IFSC - ICIC0000001

# NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No Amount Remarks
131101240000364336299806316Not available500.00Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name: KRAC DIRECT, Merchant Ext ID:BCR2DN6TZOL5XXYC, Transaction Settlement timestamp:2023-Dec-28 22:11:14 L, Settlement IMPS RRN:NA, Amount of individual RRN:500, IFSC: ICIC0000001. We have provided responsive inf
431109240138415230123505194276841840500039447000.00Necessary steps have been applied on the said account. For further information, please reach out to us at notice_liabilitiesops@aubank.in
531109240141745117510010001621012fbmS2fr6nr5y9txY3dVfjsDHjwubbkBs@dricici5000.00PNBBCcnPMwikoR0DU15x2mCJeuAZOMFVJCH/ CBDC /SHIVAM DHARMENDRA SINGH/ This is CBDC Tran, Kindly contact your CBDC Dept./Rejected by ICICI Bank
73110724010434720112266272094900002050353271385.00Necessary steps have been applied on the said account. For further information, please reach out to us at notice_liabilitiesops@aubank.in.
83110724010434720112266272094900002050353276339.00Necessary steps have been applied on the said account. For further information, please reach out to us at notice_liabilitiesops@aubank.in.
Reflescts in 9 unique NCRP ApplicationsTotal amount involved 2,28,194