NCRP Details for NCRP No. 31101240000364

Index Sender Ac No Transaction Type Receiver Ac No Receiver IFSC IFSC State Layer Transaction Id Amount Disputed Amount Remarks
13712002100011114Money Transfer to256350136647Layer : 2335114107793300000.005000.00IMPS-OUT/335114107793/INDB0001971/256350136647
23712002100011114Money Transfer to32613578819Layer : 233520914818415000.009197.00IMPS-OUT/335209148184/SBIN0017191/32613578819
33712002100011114Money Transfer to36330100016312Layer : 233520914818613000.0013000.00IMPS-OUT/335209148186/BARB0ALIGAN/36330100016312
43712002100011114Money Transfer to54688100004987Layer : 233520914819111800.0011800.00MPS-OUT/335209148191/BARB0BARBAL/54688100004987
53712002100011114Money Transfer to8899000100097140Layer : 2371200210001111450700.0050700.00o:8899000100097140:SHAHJAD
63712002100011114Money Transfer to9910000100022783Layer : 2371200210001111417000.0017000.00To:9910000100022783:SAIYAD
73712002100011114Money Transfer to0066010324243Layer : 2371200210001111415000.0015000.00To:0066010324243:NAFEESHA
83712002100011114Money Transfer to1878000101302135Layer : 2371200210001111433000.0033000.00To:1878000101302135:Vyas
936330100016312Transaction put on hold0Layer : 213000.000.00ACCOUNT FREEZE (LIEN MARKED )
1054688100004987Transaction put on hold0Layer : 21800.000.00ACCOUNT FREEZE (LIEN MARKED )
1154688100004987Withdrawal through ATM0Layer : 210000.000.00DISPUTED AMOUNT 10000 / 335215008141ATM Details: Place of ATM :-SHANKARPUR Shankarpur UP0 IN ATM ID :-45621725
123712002100011114Money Transfer to65016941823Layer : 233520914968747500.0047500.00IMPS-OUT/335209149687/SBIN0050219/65016941823
133712002100011114Money Transfer to79012348357Layer : 233520915039780000.007203.00IMPS-OUT/335209150397/SBIN0RRDCGB/79012348357
148899000100097140Other0Layer : 240000.000.00TO SELF cash withdraw 18-12-2023 13:48:13
153712002100011114Money Transfer toBARB0BRGBXX/4731010000235Layer : 233520914819325700.0025700.00IMPS-OUT/335209148193/BARB0BRGBXX/4731010000235
169910000100022783Transaction put on hold0Layer : 24660.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs 4660 ACCOUNT 9910000100022783 Ref no 31101240000364 by GUJARAT POLICE. Police Officer may contact branch Office JURAN CHAPRA,MUZAFFARPUR mail id and their Controlling Office comzp@
173712002100011114Money Transfer to50450100003884Layer : 233520914968370000.0042500.00IMPS-OUT/335209149683/BARB0CHHIVL/50450100003884 AS PER RECORD
183712002100011114Money Transfer to322901000000524Layer : 233520914819514100.0014100.00IMPS-OUT/335209148195/IOBA0003229/322901000000524
190066010324243Other0Layer : 210000.000.00CASH WITHDRAW
200066010324243Transaction put on hold0Layer : 212436.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs 12436 ACCOUNT 0066010324243 Ref no 31101240000364 by GUJARAT POLICE. Police Officer may contact branch Office KOLKATA, PARK CIRCUS mail id and their Controlling Office cokolkatawest@
211878000101302135Other0Layer : 233000.000.00SELF CAHS WITHDAWAL 19-12-2023 14:58:19
22322901000000524Other0Layer : 217000.000.00AMOUNT WITHDRAWN THROUGH BRANCH IN CASH
2332613578819Transaction put on hold0Layer : 29197.000.00TXN PUT ON HOLD FOR THE DA
243712002100011114Money Transfer to0059053000094871Layer : 2PUNBR52023122012456296/500000.00398877.00NRTGS/PUNBR52023122012456296/5141824702/NELSON P S/ Ref No-000426468959
2550450100003884Other0Layer : 241480.000.00No more Debit Transaction In Account But Due to Lien in Account Balance Not Available
2610160760010Money Transfer to0012053000080567Layer : 2IDFBR52023122200630327200000.0050000.00Provided details are correct, Disputed amount INR 50000/-put on lien however money has been transferred to another account. Find attachment MOBILE NUMBER-917240825757
2765016941823Transaction put on hold0Layer : 247500.000.00txn put on hold for the DA
283712002100011114Money Transfer to36705798296Layer : 233520914967728300.0028300.00IMPS-OUT/335209149677/SBIN0005617/36705798296
290012053000080567Other0Layer : 2200000.000.00Action is already taken
30BARB0BRGBXX/4731010000235Other0Layer : 226000.000.00cash withdrawal at branch dt 18-12-2023
3184419923702Money Transfer to0059053000094871Layer : 2335314373872300000.00300000.00Disputed amount INR 300000/-put on lien however money has been transferred to another account. Find attachment MOBILE NUMBER-918441992370
323712002100011114Money Transfer to0035053000028298Layer : 2PUNBR52023122012458288200000.0061123.00NRTGS/PUNBR52023122012458288/5141828624/Visakh tr/ Trf Ref No-000426480803 / 000434094343
333712002100011114Money Transfer to42456098437Layer : 233520914968541500.0041500.00IMPS-OUT/335209149685/SBIN0008859/42456098437
3442456098437Transaction put on hold0Layer : 2826.000.00ACCOUNT DEBIT FREEZED. Available bal is Rs 826/-
3542456098437Aadhaar Enabled Payment System(AEPS)0Layer : 230000.000.00001602525389754624 AEPS WDL TXN @KO 32260620
3642456098437Aadhaar Enabled Payment System(AEPS)0Layer : 230000.000.00001615510874210577 AEPS WDL TXN @KO 32260620
3736705798296Transaction put on hold0Layer : 2176.000.00ACCOUNT DEBIT FREEZED. Available bal is Rs 176/-
3836705798296Aadhaar Enabled Payment System(AEPS)0Layer : 228300.000.00000488120423350609 AEPS WDL TXN @KO 32260244
39256350136647Money Transfer to919511361866Layer : 33351142502544175.004175.00
40256350136647Money Transfer to6324241163Layer : 3335114250274855.00825.00
418899000100097140Money Transfer to371955213078Layer : 3371955213078100.00100.00371955213078/P2V/9065874598@ybl/BHOLA MIYA SO
428899000100097140Money Transfer to335434822537Layer : 3335434822537680.00680.00335434822537/P2M/BHARATPE90724939219@yesbankl
438899000100097140Money Transfer to372016715934Layer : 3372016715934800.00800.00UPI/372016715934/P2V/satyendrahtw97713@ybl/Satyend
448899000100097140Money Transfer to335497601479Layer : 333549760147950.0050.00UPI/335497601479/P2M/paytmqr7h74yf830h@paytm/PRIYE
458899000100097140Money Transfer to372011295317Layer : 33720112953171000.001000.00UPI/372011295317/P2V/9065874598@axl/BHOLA MIYA SO
468899000100097140Money Transfer to372058215186Layer : 3372058215186400.00400.00UPI/372058215186/P2V/8581072806@ibl/SABIR HUSSAIN
478899000100097140Money Transfer to372028466322Layer : 3372028466322700.00700.00UPI/372028466322/P2M/Q320423727@ybl/JITENDRA KUMAR
488899000100097140Money Transfer to372028111622Layer : 3372028111622400.00400.00UPI/372028111622/P2V/Q637306603@ybl/FARHEEN BANO
498899000100097140Money Transfer to335428354538Layer : 3335428354538150.00150.00UPI/335428354538/P2V/sahjagdish730@oksbi/JAGDISH S
508899000100097140Money Transfer to335442010242Layer : 3335442010242230.00230.00UPI/335442010242/P2V/ck27794622@axl/RAHUL KUMAR
518899000100097140Money Transfer to372137178008Layer : 3372137178008250.00250.00UPI/372137178008/P2V/9771232404@axl/SHAMSHAD ALI S
528899000100097140Money Transfer to372180365175Layer : 33721803651751000.001000.00UPI/372180365175/P2V/8826702593@ybl/NUR SABA
538899000100097140Money Transfer to372127176883Layer : 3372127176883200.00200.00UPI/372127176883/P2M/Q289143502@ybl/KHURSHED ALAM
548899000100097140Money Transfer to372129542921Layer : 33721295429213000.003000.00UPI/372129542921/P2V/8826702593@ybl/NUR SABA
559910000100022783Money Transfer to371876616140Layer : 33718766161404000.004000.00UPI/371876616140/P2V/8340540226@ybl/GUNJAN KUMAR
569910000100022783Money Transfer to335231848742Layer : 33352318487421300.001300.00UPI/335231848742/P2V/sachinsk62061@okaxis/SACHIN K
579910000100022783Money Transfer to335231906918Layer : 33352319069183700.003700.00335231906918/P2V/khatunjeba651@okhdfcbank/Jeba
589910000100022783Money Transfer to335375217377Layer : 33353752173771000.001000.00UPI/335375217377/P2V/quazima799@oksbi/Md Quazim Al
599910000100022783Money Transfer to336299806316Layer : 3336299806316500.00500.00UPI/336299806316/P2M/krac2direct@icici/KRAC DIRECT
606324241163Transaction put on hold0Layer : 315.000.00Hold marked on the account. Available balance Rs.15.
610059053000094871Money Transfer to113805001398Layer : 3335609498187500000.00398877.00
6212053000080567Money Transfer to088201504483Layer : 3335613520855220000.0050000.00
6350450100003884Money Transfer to0140SLEURONTICIC0DC0099Layer : 3335725025875210.90210.00
6450450100003884Money Transfer to0140SLEURONTICIC0DC0099Layer : 3335832197913156.90150.00
6550450100003884Money Transfer to0140SLEURONTICIC0DC0099Layer : 3400117655982667.90660.00
66372093640521Wrong Transaction0Layer : 30.000.00Unable to fetch the transaction with given information. Kindly share correct bank transaction id/RRN number along with correct amount of the fraudulent transaction or any screen shot of the fraudulent transaction done on Paytm to help us assist you better
678899000100097140Money Transfer to002261100000025Layer : 3372093640521110.00110.00UPI/372093640521/P2M/Q66009827@ybl/Mr SHAKTI KUM/Ref-15052375467
680059053000094871Money Transfer to671501702012ICIC0006715RAJASTHANLayer : 3335314182462300000.00300000.00
69671501702012Old Transaction0Layer : 30.000.00Due to old transaction we are unable to retrieve the details. Thus, requesting the police authority to kindly serve a notice to concerned / local branch for further details.
700035053000028298Money Transfer to2302235749958925AUBL0002357MAHARASHTRALayer : 3335413289961340000.0061123.00
71336299806316Money Transfer toNot availableICIC0000001TAMIL NADULayer : 4336299806316500.00500.00Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name: KRAC DIRECT, Merchant Ext ID:BCR2DN6TZOL5XXYC, Transaction Settlement timestamp:2023-Dec-28 22:11:14 L, Settlement IMPS RRN:NA, Amount of individual RRN:500, IFSC: ICIC0000001. We have provided responsive inf
726324241163Money Transfer to00000033902741848SBIN0012775TAMIL NADULayer : 43357081588461000.00810.00UPI Txn
73335375217377Money Transfer toxxxx8375SBIN0061748BIHARLayer : 43353752173771000.001000.00Google Pay is the third party application provider (TPAP) and does not have access to the account number of the Payer/Payee. Accordingly the last four digits of the payee account number as available in our records has been submitted.
74335434822537Money Transfer to921010000054479UTIB0003374BIHARLayer : 4YESB335516998327180.00680.00Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK.
75335231906918Money Transfer toxxxxx2151AIRP0000001HARYANALayer : 43352319069183700.003700.00Google Pay is the third party application provider (TPAP) and does not have access to the account number of the Payer/Payee. Accordingly the last four digits of the payee account number as available in our records has been submitted.
76335231848742Money Transfer toxxxxxxx8521PUNB0222800BIHARLayer : 43352318487421300.001300.00Google Pay is the third party application provider (TPAP) and does not have access to the account number of the Payer/Payee. Accordingly the last four digits of the payee account number as available in our records has been submitted.
77335428354538Money Transfer to7781854417@iblINDB0001548BIHARLayer : 4335428354538150.00150.00As per our tool the transaction (335428354538) was made to the third party VPA (7781854417@ibl) thus the bank details are not available at our end. We have provided responsive information to the extent reasonably accessible from our system. Kindly avoid r
78Not availableTransaction put on hold0Layer : 4500.000.00Disputed : 500
79921010000054479Transaction put on hold0Layer : 4680.000.00Amount put on hold
80xxxxx2151Wrong Transaction0Layer : 40.000.00Sir please share RRN Number Account No Not Reflect
81113805001398Money Transfer to409001582650RATN0000367RAJASTHANLayer : 4ICICR42023122200502982800000.00398877.00Disputed Amount 398877/-
82919511361866Money Transfer to2301265651906324AUBL0002656TAMIL NADULayer : 437172921403011900.004175.00
83088201504483Money Transfer to159352370787INDB0000971RAJASTHANLayer : 433569254202850000.0050000.00Disputed Amount 50000/-
84159352370787Withdrawal through ATM0Layer : 450000.000.00ATM Cash withdrawalsATM Details: Place of ATM :-NEW SANGANER ROAD JAIPUR ATM ID :-SECNG189
850140SLEURONTMoney Transfer to0140SLEURONTICIC0DC0099Layer : 4refer remark1020.001020.00Disputed Amount 1020/-(660,150,210) Vide UPI RRN: 400117655982,335832197913,335725025875.
86372180365175Money Transfer toXXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGANBARB0MIRGANBIHARLayer : 43721803651751000.001000.00
87372180365175Money Transfer toXXXXXX0827 / PUNB0474500PUNB0474500BIHARLayer : 4372137178008250.00250.00
88372180365175Money Transfer toXXXXX5404 / INDB0001548INDB0001548BIHARLayer : 4335442010242230.00230.00
89372058215186Money Transfer toXXXXXXXXXXX0181 / BKID0004691BKID0004691BIHARLayer : 4372058215186400.00400.00
90372058215186Money Transfer toXXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900PUNB0889900BIHARLayer : 43720112953171000.001000.00
91372058215186Money Transfer toXXXXXX0661 / BARB0MIRGANBARB0MIRGANBIHARLayer : 4372016715934800.00800.00
92372058215186Money Transfer toXXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900PUNB0889900BIHARLayer : 4371955213078100.00100.00
93XXXXXX0827 / PUNB0474500Transaction put on hold0Layer : 4250.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs. 250/- in ACCOUNT No. 4745000100130827 , Investigating Police Officer may contact to BRANCH MANAGER , OM PRAKASH KUMAR, PNB Branch Office- MIRGANJ (DISTT-GOPALGANJ) at email ID- BO4745@PNB.CO.IN and
9400000033902741848Transaction put on hold0Layer : 4810.000.00txn put on hold for the DA
95xxxx8375Transaction put on hold0Layer : 41000.000.00txn put on hold and involved account number in full is 40503718375.........
96XXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGANOther0Layer : 41000.000.00Given Transaction id not tracable by our UPI or IMPS teams
97XXXXXX0661 / BARB0MIRGANOther0Layer : 4800.000.00Given Transaction id not tractable by our UPI or IMPS teams.
98XXXXXX0661 / BARB0MIRGANTransaction put on hold0Layer : 4800.000.00LIEN MARKED
99XXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGANTransaction put on hold0Layer : 44000.000.00LIEN MARKED
100372180365175Money Transfer to0078XXXX5109 / IPOS0000001IPOS0000001DELHILayer : 4372028111622400.00400.00Info Provided is correct and accurate. We do not have full account number, kindly trace with UTR and other details
1010078XXXX5109 / IPOS0000001Wrong Transaction0Layer : 40.000.00Pls. provide the AC no without AC details we are unable to fetch trans. Details
102002261100000025Money Transfer to002261100000025Layer : 4372093640521110.00110.00
103002261100000025Old Transaction0Layer : 40.000.00The disputed transaction(s) is/are older than 5 days, hence please raise a ticket on Phonepe Cybercell Webpage from your official email ID ( for the details. Note : Responses for the submissions shall reach yo
1042302235749958925Money Transfer to187905500160Layer : 4335414623163200000.0061123.00Necessary steps have been applied on the said account. For further information, please reach out to us at
105187905500160Old Transaction0Layer : 40.000.00Due to old transaction we are unable to retrieve the details. Thus, requesting the police authority to kindly serve a notice to concerned / local branch for further details.
106xxxxxxx8521Money Transfer to00000003504338311Layer : 53354712602441210.00276.00UPI/335471260244/P2V/9661511795@ibl/Mr AMIT KUMAR
107xxxxxxx8521Money Transfer to13820200070130Layer : 533541926214075.0075.00UPI/335419262140/P2M/BHARATPE.90066437329@fbpe/JAY
108xxxxxxx8521Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 5335449754018250.00250.00UPI/335449754018/P2M/paytmqr1x4r831rdv@paytm/SHIVE
109xxxxxxx8521Money Transfer to002261100000025Layer : 53720433787101290.00699.00UPI/372043378710/P2M/Q887783186@ybl/SAI MEDICAL HA
11000000003504338311Transaction put on hold0Layer : 5276.000.00DA 276
1117781854417@iblMoney Transfer tosahjagdish730@oksbiLayer : 5335428354538150.00150.00We dont have the account number as the disputed transaction was initiated by entering the VPA address, kindly trace with UTR and other details
1127781854417@iblMoney Transfer toXXXXXX3219 / PUNB0222800PUNB0222800BIHARLayer : 53718766161404000.004000.00
1137781854417@iblMoney Transfer toXXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGANBARB0MIRGANBIHARLayer : 53721295429213000.003000.00
114XXXXXX3219 / PUNB0222800Other0Layer : 519000.000.00Cash Withdrawal/Da is 4000
115XXXXXXXXXXX0181 / BKID0004691Money Transfer to8899001700011691PUNB0889900BIHARLayer : 5372038281286400.00400.00BOI PAYER A/C NO 469110110020181
116XXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to469110110002127BKID0004691BIHARLayer : 5372108495188600.00600.00UPI/372108495188/P2V/7070239631@ybl/SAHEB HUSEN
117XXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to469110110019584BKID0004691BIHARLayer : 5372130228775400.00400.00UPI/372130228775/P2V/8002750310@ybl/IMRAN ALI
118XXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to469110110002127BKID0004691BIHARLayer : 5372108495188600.00600.00UPI/372108495188/P2V/7070239631@ybl/SAHEB HUSEN
119XXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to469110110019584BKID0004691BIHARLayer : 5372130228775400.00400.00UPI/372130228775/P2V/8002750310@ybl/IMRAN ALI
120XXXXXX0704 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to19744201000007PYTM0123456UTTAR PRADESHLayer : 5335330359456100.00100.00UPI/335330359456/P2M/paytmqrzvau8l0mqo@paytm/KAPUR
1218899001700011691Transaction put on hold0Layer : 5400.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs. 400/- in ACCOUNT No. 8899001700011691 , Investigating Police Officer may contact to BRANCH MANAGER , GAURAV KUMAR, PNB Branch Office- BATHUA BAZAR at email ID- BO8899@PNB.CO.IN and their Controlling
122XXXXX5404 / INDB0001548Money Transfer to50100209109324Layer : 53354330405958000.00230.00
123469110110019584Transaction put on hold0Layer : 5400.000.00account has been lien marked for rs 400
124469110110002127Transaction put on hold0Layer : 5600.000.00account has been lien marked for rs 600
1252301265651906324Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 53351165180055982.004175.00
126409001582650Money Transfer to019524000000011YESB0000195MAHARASHTRALayer : 5RATNR52023122200285804110290.00110290.00RTGS/RATNH23356285804/alias tech solution pvt ltd
127409001582650Money Transfer to019524000000104YESB0000195MAHARASHTRALayer : 5RATNR52023122200289874900000.00288587.00RTGS/RATNH23356289874/INFOQUEEN SOLUTIONS PVT LTD
128019524000000011Other0Layer : 53000000.000.0022/12/2023 17:07 / NET-NEW FD-ALIAS TECH SOLUTIONS PVT LTD-019540600003991 -1-MULUND / FTD / DA 110290
129019524000000104Other0Layer : 53000000.000.0022/12/2023 15:43 / NET-NEW FD-INFOQUEEN SOLUTIONS PVT LTD-019540300004851 -1-MULUND / FTD / DA 288587
130XXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGANOther0Layer : 53000.000.00Given Transaction id not tractable by our UPI or IMPS teams.
1310078XXXX5109 / IPOS0000001Money Transfer to19744201000007PYTM0123456UTTAR PRADESHLayer : 5335483668470999.00400.00UPI TXN
132002261100000025Money Transfer to002261100000025Layer : 63720433787101290.00699.00UPI/372043378710/P2M/Q887783186@ybl/SAI MEDICAL HA
13313820200070130Money Transfer to335419262140Layer : 633541926214075.0075.00amount credited to resilient account
13419744201000007Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 6REFER REMARK300.00300.00335449754018 DA:250 335497601479 DA:50
13550100209109324Money Transfer to4745001700170446PUNB0000001Layer : 633540604038210764.00230.00
1364745001700170446Transaction put on hold0Layer : 6230.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs. 230/- in ACCOUNT No. 4745001700170446 , Investigating Police Officer may contact to BRANCH MANAGER , OM PRAKASH KUMAR, PNB Branch Office- MIRGANJ (DISTT-GOPALGANJ) at email ID- BO4745@PNB.CO.IN and
13719744201000007Money Transfer to19744201000007PYTM0123456UTTAR PRADESHLayer : 6na1565000.001565000.00335116518005-5982/da4175/335330359456-100/335449754018-250
138sahjagdish730@oksbiMoney Transfer toXXXXX7576INDB0001548BIHARLayer : 6335428354538150.00150.00Bank account-XXXXX7576, IFSC code -INDB0001548 Vpa:sahjagdish730@oksbi, Only the last Four digits of the bank account number are available in our tool for security reasons. We have provided responsive information to the extent reasonably accessible from o
139sahjagdish730@oksbiMoney Transfer toXXXXXX7576INDB0001548BIHARLayer : 6335428354538150.00150.00IFSC Code: INDB0001548 and/or VPA: sahjagdish730@oksbi, funds settlement date and the UPI RRN associated with the relevant transaction(s) have been provided in the details. The bank can identify the account holder with the given details and help provide r
140XXXXX7576Other0Layer : 6150.000.00We have reassigned this case we need 12 digit account number to take action
14119744201000007Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 6335483668470999.00400.00Funds transferred to Paytm Payments Services (PPSL) as transaction does not pertains to Paytm Payments Bank (PPBL)
142335419262140Money Transfer to092401512210ICIC0000924BIHARLayer : 7YESB335516998195810.0075.00Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to ICICI BANK
143092401512210Transaction put on hold0Layer : 775.000.00Disputed Amount 75/- Put On Hold.
14419744201000007Money Transfer to0049010517027Layer : 7PYTM2335501214681577.00250.00Amount of Rs 1577 moved to Bank in which Rs 250 is reported as fraudulent, Please take the necessary action. For any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad to assist you.
14519744201000007Money Transfer to50100006734616Layer : 7PYTM2335584373182080.0050.00Amount of Rs 2080 moved to Bank in which Rs 50 is reported as fraudulent, Please take the necessary action. For any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad to assist you.
14650100006734616Other0Layer : 750.000.00low dispute value
14750100006734616Other0Layer : 750.000.00Low Amount Dispute transcation
1480049010517027Transaction put on hold0Layer : 7250.000.00Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs. 250/- in ACCOUNT No. 0049010517027 , Investigating Police Officer may contact to BRANCH MANAGER , DHANANJAY KUMAR, PNB Branch Office- DARBHANGA ,TOWER CHOWK at email ID- BO0108@PNB.CO.IN and their C
14919744201000007Money Transfer to6847332225IDIB000T011TAMIL NADULayer : 7PYTM23352697111040825.614175.00The whole amount of INR 40825.61/- was moved to Bank in which INR 4175/- was reported as fraudulent, Please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall b
1506847332225Transaction put on hold0Layer : 74175.000.00DA on hold. Balance is available
151002261100000025Money Transfer to00000030665312386 / SBIN0011808SBIN0011808BIHARLayer : 7AXNPN33551313178700.00700.00This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 700.
152002261100000025Money Transfer to00000040187858558 / SBIN0003025SBIN0003025BIHARLayer : 7AXNPN3355072524624926.001290.00This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 1290.
153002261100000025Money Transfer to8899000100064434 / PUNB0889900PUNB0889900BIHARLayer : 7YESB33563436565740.00200.00This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 200.
15400000030665312386 / SBIN0011808Transaction put on hold0Layer : 7700.000.00TXN PUT ON HOLD FOR THE DA
15500000040187858558 / SBIN0003025Transaction put on hold0Layer : 71290.000.00TXN PUT ON HOLD FOR THE DA
15619744201000007Money Transfer toNALayer : 7NA999.00400.00Amount paid to the merchant- Reliance Retail Ltd Jio Prepaid Recharges against the order id- BR000A9WXUIT For further details, we request you to please write usack on we shall be glad to assist you
1578899000100064434 / PUNB0889900Money Transfer to8899008700000021PUNB0000001Layer : 83357824356963000.00200.00UPI/335782435696/P2A/8899008700000021@PUNB0000001/
1588899008700000021Other0Layer : 83000.000.00Subject account is loan account.
1598899008700000021Other0Layer : 81.000.00all are replied