Transaction Disputes for Account paytmqr2810050

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31104240062489756202010003560paytmqr281005020.00Layer : 4UPIAR/412074419309/DR/C Mathes/YESB/paytmqr2810050
31104240062489paytmqr2810050paytmqr281005020.00Layer : 5
31104240062489paytmqr281005020101444676988.00Layer : 6The whole amount of INR 88.00/- was moved to bank in which INR 20/- was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be gla
31112230180085651502010007623paytmqr2810050420.00Layer : 8UPIAR/336305929736/DR/SOMISETT/PYTM/paytmqr2810050
31112230180085paytmqr2810050paytmqr2810050420.00Layer : 9150
31112230180085paytmqr281005000000020490935525SBIN00611772035.00Layer : 10The whole amount of INR 2035/- was moved to in which INR 420.00/- was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad