NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31101240000364 | 335428354538 | 7781854417@ibl | INDB0001548 | 150.00 | Layer : 4 | As per our tool the transaction (335428354538) was made to the third party VPA (7781854417@ibl) thus the bank details are not available at our end. We have provided responsive information to the extent reasonably accessible from our system. Kindly avoid r |
31101240000364 | 7781854417@ibl | sahjagdish730@oksbi | 150.00 | Layer : 5 | We dont have the account number as the disputed transaction was initiated by entering the VPA address, kindly trace with UTR and other details | |
31101240000364 | 7781854417@ibl | XXXXXX3219 / PUNB0222800 | PUNB0222800 | 4000.00 | Layer : 5 | |
31101240000364 | 7781854417@ibl | XXXXXX2571 / BARB0MIRGAN | BARB0MIRGAN | 3000.00 | Layer : 5 |