Transaction Disputes for Account 70030200003350

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
3110524007340908480150954070030200003350BARB0VJNOID200.00Layer : 1
31105240073409700302000033500200.00Layer : 1Account Freezed (Lien Marked)
31107240107790731941811170030200003350BARB0VJNOID300.00Layer : 3UPI
31107240107790700302000033500110.00Layer : 3LIEN MARKED / Account no 70030200003350 in which amount is credited is an escrow account in the name of M/s. Skywalk technologies Pvt Ltd Escrow Account . kindly coordinate with mail id:
311082401176010000009110308025670030200003350BARB0VJNOID20999.00Layer : 5
3110824011760170030200003350020500.00Layer : 5Account no 70030200003350 in which amount is credited is an escrow account in the name of M/s. Skywalk technologies Pvt Ltd Escrow Account . kindly coordinate with mail id: