NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31107240107790 | 409002212631 | 50209315082 | IDIB000P538 | 150.00 | Layer : 2 | BU : 1527604 ZP2024050711380400a8_RBL2631_Pay7// NEFTRATNN24128056956// if txn. PO num:000374591236 not found please check for UTR:RATNN24128056956 or with Txn id:RATNR52024050700056956 |
31107240107790 | 50209315082 | 0 | 150.00 | Layer : 2 | Debit freeze marked on the account. DA available. |