Transaction Disputes for Account 0149SLGOPYAC

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
3110524007655099544111800149SLGOPYACICIC0DC0099650.00Layer : 5UPI
31104240059198201570864490149SLGOPYACICIC0DC0099190.00Layer : 5
311052400765500149SLGOPYAC0149SLGOPYAC650.00Layer : 6UPI
311042400591980149SLGOPYAC0149SLGOPYAC190.00Layer : 6
311052400765500149SLGOPYACXXXXXX7901sbin0009624650.00Layer : 7As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account no is visible.Avoid reassigning these tickets. Money transfer to Merchant Name:Mosfirat Nasrin Store Ext ID:BCR2DN4T7WI2RDTG , Amount of individual RRN:650 IFSC: sbin0009624, IMPS RRN: 414419237686, Transa
311042400591980149SLGOPYACxxxx4818sbin0001075190.00Layer : 7Correct RRN no and AC no given, We have Ac no only last 4 digits in our tool. Money transfer to Merchant Name:Radhe Radhe, Merchant Ext ID: BCR2DN4TZSYO5WSS ,Transaction Settlement time: 2024-Mar-21 20:06:57 L Settlement IMPS RRN : 408120070136 ,VPA: NA,