Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | 015301534792 | Money Transfer to | 923020067561386 | | | Layer : 1 | 413111708055 | 120000.00 | 120000.00 | |
2 | 015301537691 | Money Transfer to | 7148006116 | | | Layer : 1 | 413910553841 | 136000.00 | 136000.00 | |
3 | 015301537691 | Money Transfer to | 3252020001088118 | JSFB0003252 | ODISHA | Layer : 1 | 414215898844 414215911288 | 1000000.00 | 1000000.00 | |
4 | 015301537691 | Money Transfer to | 7148006116 | KKBK0000839 | GUJARAT | Layer : 1 | 413912782107 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
5 | 923020067561386 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 1 | | 120000.00 | 0.00 | Account marked debit freeze |
6 | 923020067561386 | Money Transfer to | 99980123855764 | FDRL0001230 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 2 | 413111297450 | 450000.00 | 120000.00 | DHANANJAY SINGH |
7 | 7148006116 | Money Transfer to | 50100460947558 | HDFC0004379 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | 413910959192 | 500000.00 | 136000.00 | |
8 | 7148006116 | Money Transfer to | 110146912334 | CNRB0004010 | TAMIL NADU | Layer : 2 | 413912021969 | 130000.00 | 1000.00 | |
9 | 50100460947558 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 50100460947558 | HDFC0004379 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | | 490000.00 | 0.00 | SELF - CHQ PAID - KUCHAMAN CIT |
10 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 7806000100050513 | PUNB0780600 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | 414215230817 | 150000.00 | 150000.00 | IMPS 414215230817 RT4571 7806000100050513 PUNB0780600 9999-JFS-HO |
11 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 6942000100102366 | PUNB0694200 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | 414215232531 | 200000.00 | 200000.00 | IMPS 414215232531 TYTR7567 6942000100102366 PUNB0694200 9999-JFS-HO |
12 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 50100714723880 | HDFC0000504 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | 414215234260 | 200000.00 | 150000.00 | IMPS 414215234260 TYY8585 50100714723880 HDFC0000504 9999-JFS-HO |
13 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 8401010000018151 | DBSS0IN0401 | TAMIL NADU | Layer : 2 | 414215237370 | 200000.00 | 200000.00 | IMPS 414215237370 FT363 8401010000018151 DBSS0IN0401 9999-JFS-HO |
14 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 8401010000018151 | DBSS0IN0401 | TAMIL NADU | Layer : 2 | 414215237893 | 100000.00 | 100000.00 | IMPS 414215237893 97896 8401010000018151 DBSS0IN0401 9999-JFS-HO |
15 | 3252020001088118 | Money Transfer to | 33203761766 | SBIN0060014 | GUJARAT | Layer : 2 | 414215239575 | 200000.00 | 200000.00 | IMPS 414215239575 FGH5675 33203761766 SBIN0060014 9999-JFS-HO |
16 | 110146912334 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 1000.00 | 0.00 | Rs 1000 marked hold in account no 110146912334 |
17 | 50100714723880 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | CHQ PAID | HDFC0000504 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | | 230000.00 | 0.00 | SELF - CHQ PAID - CHOMU - RAJA |
18 | 6942000100102366 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 6942000100102366 | punb0694200 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | | 252000.00 | 0.00 | |
19 | 7806000100050513 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 75260.00 | 0.00 | ATM WDR 414209667071 AC102139 FILIAL BANKRB/V/AC102139/4723390001525115ATM Details: Place of ATM :-FILIAL BANKRB ATM ID :-AC102139
20 | 7806000100050513 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 74319.00 | 0.00 | ATM WDR 414209667110 AC102139 FILIAL BANKRBV/AC102139/4723390001525115ATM Details: Place of ATM :-FILIAL BANKR ATM ID :-AC102139
21 | 33203761766 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 33203761766 | SBIN0060014 | GUJARAT | Layer : 2 | | 268000.00 | 0.00 | CASH WITHDRAWAL BY CHQ |
22 | 8401010000018151 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | We have provided correct and complete details from our end, Kindly avoid reassigning. |
23 | 99980123855764 | Money Transfer to | 500101013448203 | CIUB0000275 | TAMIL NADU | Layer : 3 | 413111199365 | 75000.00 | 75000.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/413111199365/CIUB0000275/Niyaz Ahamed |
24 | 99980123855764 | Money Transfer to | 99980117468103 | | | Layer : 3 | 241316207347 | 48751.00 | 45000.00 | MB FTB/241316207347/DHANANJAY /MUHAMMED K/ |
25 | 500101013448203 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 70000.00 | 0.00 | 413111843189-20000,413111844263-20000,413111845439-20000, 413112846410-10000ATM Details: Place of ATM :-506/11 Desiga Vinayagar Koil Street Vallam Vallam Thanjavur ATM ID :-CUB02264
26 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 045701000027003 | | | Layer : 3 | 414216538647 | 85000.00 | 85000.00 | Vishu |
27 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 60457174628 | | | Layer : 3 | 414216538903 | 100000.00 | 100000.00 | Jyoti tiwari |
28 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 002300300007025 | | | Layer : 3 | 0811OP4135916612 | 70000.00 | 15000.00 | Vishu |
29 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 61584701@ubin | UBIN0571326 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 414276006877 | 50000.00 | 50000.00 | dear team we have only these details for further details request you to check with your internal team. |
30 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 61584701@ubin | UBIN0571326 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 414276006877 | 50000.00 | 50000.00 | already actioned. |
31 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 61584701@ubin | UBIN0571326 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 414217782588 | 50000.00 | 50000.00 | already actioned. |
32 | 8401010000018151 | Money Transfer to | 61584701@ubin | UBIN0571326 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 414217782588 | 50000.00 | 50000.00 | Dear team we have only these details for further details request you to check with your internal team |
33 | 61584701@ubin | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 50000.00 | 0.00 | incorrect details, unable to find data using given RRN kindly provide correct RRN or 15 digit ubi account number |
34 | 99980117468103 | Money Transfer to | 36614600002387 | DCBL0000023 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 4 | 413111209211 | 97500.00 | 45000.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/413111209211/DCBL0000023/Abin Raj |
35 | 500101013448203 | Money Transfer to | 6239128788 | IDIB000T050 | TAMIL NADU | Layer : 4 | 413176046753 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | |
36 | 045701000027003 | Money Transfer to | 006401032643 | ICIC0000064 | GUJARAT | Layer : 4 | 450826811729 | 67789.00 | 67789.00 | |
37 | 045701000027003 | Money Transfer to | 00000005487975034 | CBIN0282180 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 4 | 450925959873 | 17000.00 | 17000.00 | |
38 | 006401032643 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 67789.00 | 0.00 | DA 67789/- PUT ON HOLD. (SR985620403) |
39 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 1590000190180239 | PUNB0159000 | CHHATTISGARH | Layer : 4 | 450827936831 | 32306.00 | 32306.00 | |
40 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 9954411180 | AIRP0000001 | HARYANA | Layer : 4 | 450827985087 | 25102.00 | 25102.00 | |
41 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 059110100012158 | TJSB0000059 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 4 | 450828771928 | 32011.00 | 32011.00 | |
42 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 923010057890231 | UTIB0001663 | PUNJAB | Layer : 4 | 450829190452 | 10499.00 | 10499.00 | |
43 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 22100008757706 | FSFB0000001 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 4 | 414412136950 | 10.00 | 10.00 | |
44 | 60457174628 | Money Transfer to | 50100307123946 | HDFC0001541 | KERALA | Layer : 4 | 451016471989 | 33248.00 | 72.00 | |
45 | 9954411180 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 22772.00 | 0.00 | Necessary action has been taken, whole amount 22772 Rs saved on this account number 9954411180 |
46 | 22100008757706 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 10.00 | 0.00 | Transaction put on hold. |
47 | 6239128788 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 5000.00 | 0.00 | Account made hold.Balance available |
48 | 045701000027003 | Money Transfer to | 00000030988733021 | SBIN0007295 | ODISHA | Layer : 4 | 414442284068 | 65844.00 | 211.00 | IFSC SBIN0007295 Payee Virtual ID 9438477295@ybl |
49 | 36614600002387 | Money Transfer to | 40176101071582 | KLGB0040176 | KERALA | Layer : 5 | 413113555294 | 50000.00 | 45000.00 | Disputed amount of Rs 45,000 is involved in IMPS transaction. |
50 | 00000005487975034 | Money Transfer to | 81910100001431 | BARB0VJKUKU | KARNATAKA | Layer : 5 | 450926054702 | 17000.00 | 17000.00 | |
51 | 81910100001431 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 68.00 | 0.00 | LIEN MARKED |
52 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 00000030223376284 | | | Layer : 5 | 450838909963 | 30000.00 | 18621.00 | UPI/450838909963/P2V/9437776985@ybl/MISALA VENKAT |
53 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 18680110041192 | | | Layer : 5 | 450813286231 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | UPI/450813286231/P2V/7978296326@ybl/P DINESH |
54 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 923010045230810 | | | Layer : 5 | 414302372721 | 60000.00 | 8685.00 | UPI/414302372721/P2V/8926266624@axisbank/MEESALA N |
55 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 00000030223376284 | | | Layer : 5 | 450838909963 | 30000.00 | 18621.00 | UPI/450838909963/P2V/9437776985@ybl/MISALA VENKAT |
56 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 18680110041192 | | | Layer : 5 | 450813286231 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | UPI/450813286231/P2V/7978296326@ybl/P DINESH |
57 | 1590000190180239 | Money Transfer to | 923010045230810 | | | Layer : 5 | 414302372721 | 60000.00 | 8685.00 | UPI/414302372721/P2V/8926266624@axisbank/MEESALA N |
58 | 50100307123946 | Money Transfer to | 234005001566 | ICIC0DC0099 | | Layer : 5 | 451071498324 | 6822.00 | 72.00 | |
59 | 9954411180 | Money Transfer to | 0149SLGOPYAC | ICIC0DC0099 | | Layer : 5 | 414419531165 | 650.00 | 650.00 | UPI |
60 | 9954411180 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | UTIB0000000 | | Layer : 5 | 414420600058 | 1680.00 | 1680.00 | UPI |
61 | 18680110041192 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 5000.00 | 0.00 | lien marked |
62 | 923010057890231 | Money Transfer to | 00000055147083302 | SBIN0050550 | HIMACHAL PRADESH | Layer : 5 | 450892454236 | 10400.00 | 10400.00 | RAVI KANT GARG |
63 | 923010057890231 | Money Transfer to | 010561100000039 | YESB0YESUPI | | Layer : 5 | 414262153774 | 318.00 | 99.00 | BharatPe Merchant |
64 | 923010045230810 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 8685.00 | 0.00 | Lien marked on account |
65 | 00000055147083302 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 10400.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold for disputed amount available balance is Rs.49836-/ |
66 | 00000030223376284 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 18621.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold for disputed amount available balance is Rs.34676-/ |
67 | 40176101071582 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 10000.00 | 0.00 | 413200867384.Disputed amount is Rs.3000/- onlyATM Details: Place of ATM :-PO KAITHAPOYIL PUTHUPPADY KL IN ATM ID :-MCRM5853
68 | 00000030988733021 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 211.00 | 0.00 | Hold marked for Rs. 211/-, and as on today balance is Rs. 34765/-. |
69 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 00000040736710176 | SBIN0015473 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 414396109472 | 7000.00 | 7000.00 | |
70 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 7232500100946101 | KARB0000723 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 414348825108 | 1800.00 | 1800.00 | |
71 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 01632610001121 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 450964630528 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
72 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 520101229469805 | UBIN0900982 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 450952985545 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
73 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 01702210007645 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 450956748718 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
74 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 520101229485002 | UBIN0900982 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 450902660532 | 600.00 | 600.00 | |
75 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 143101501406 | ICIC0001431 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 450979759465 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
76 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 078212850605000 | UBIN0807826 | TELANGANA | Layer : 6 | 414481337806 | 40.00 | 40.00 | |
77 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 001425000000051 | YESB0PTMUPI | | Layer : 6 | 414427054688 | 20.00 | 20.00 | |
78 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 001425000000051 | YESB0PTMUPI | | Layer : 6 | 414442405794 | 3.00 | 3.00 | |
79 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | UTIB0000000 | | Layer : 6 | 414403350926 | 15.00 | 15.00 | |
80 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 00000042008911355 | SBIN0017762 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 414419775791 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | |
81 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 00000042008911355 | SBIN0017762 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 414417107076 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
82 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 7232500100463401 | KARB0000723 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 414415008730 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
83 | 81910100001431 | Money Transfer to | 143101501406 | ICIC0001431 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 6 | 451088623848 | 1500.00 | 954.00 | |
84 | 234005001566 | Money Transfer to | 234005001566 | | | Layer : 6 | 451071498324 | 6822.00 | 72.00 | |
85 | 234005001566 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 6822.00 | 0.00 | Please find attached file. |
86 | 0149SLGOPYAC | Money Transfer to | 0149SLGOPYAC | | | Layer : 6 | 414419531165 | 650.00 | 650.00 | UPI |
87 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | | | Layer : 6 | 414420600058 | 1680.00 | 1680.00 | UPI |
88 | 010561100000039 | Money Transfer to | 010561100000039 | | | Layer : 6 | 414262153774 | 318.00 | 99.00 | BharatPe Merchant |
89 | 00000055147083302 | Money Transfer to | 42213248575 | | | Layer : 6 | 42213248575 | 3000.00 | 3000.00 | |
90 | 00000040736710176 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 7000.00 | 0.00 | 3908ATM Details: Place of ATM :-KUNJIBETTU BRANCH UDUPIBENGALURU 576102 ATM ID :-S1NW016449004
91 | 42213248575 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 3000.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold for disputed amount available balance is Rs.4658-/ |
92 | 234005001566 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 6822.00 | 0.00 | Please find utilization details |
93 | 40176101071582 | Money Transfer to | 40176101071801 | klgb0040176 | KERALA | Layer : 6 | 449813315459 | 3000.00 | 3000.00 | |
94 | 40176101071582 | Money Transfer to | 44082210011434 | cnrb0000826 | KERALA | Layer : 6 | 449853308685 | 32000.00 | 32000.00 | |
95 | 40176101071582 | Money Transfer to | 99980112004945 | FDRL0001744 | KERALA | Layer : 6 | 449770311712 | 7000.00 | 7000.00 | |
96 | 44082210011434 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 9500.00 | 0.00 | DISPUTED AMOUNT 8000ATM Details: Place of ATM :-CASH-18316729-ADIVARAMKOZHIKODEENGAPUZHAKLIN-11/05/24 ATM ID :-18316729
97 | 44082210011434 | Withdrawal through ATM | 40176101071582 | | | Layer : 6 | | 15500.00 | 0.00 | DISPUTED AMOUNT 1000ATM Details: Place of ATM :-CASH-0996BH01-CANARABANKADIVARAMKLIN-11/05/24 ATM ID :-0996BH01
98 | 40176101071801 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 5000.00 | 0.00 | atmATM Details: Place of ATM :-PO KAITHAPOYIL PUTHUPPADY KL IN ATM ID :-MCRM5853
99 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | | | Layer : 7 | 414403350926 | 15.00 | 15.00 | |
100 | 001425000000051 | Money Transfer to | 414427054688 | | | Layer : 7 | 414427054688 | 20.00 | 20.00 | |
101 | 001425000000051 | Money Transfer to | 414442405794 | | | Layer : 7 | 414442405794 | 3.00 | 3.00 | |
102 | 143101501406 | Money Transfer to | 009821010000036 | UBIN0900982 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 7 | 414418036491 | 5000.00 | 1454.00 | DA 1454/- |
103 | 414427054688 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 20.00 | 0.00 | INR of Rs.20.00/- transaction has done successfully and amount deducted for the repayment of the soundbox. Please get in touch with the concerned Bank with the given Order ID: -202405230103210003682196699095059169.For further details, we request you to pl |
104 | 520101229485002 | Money Transfer to | 19630200001710 | | | Layer : 7 | 414479598715 | 3150.00 | 600.00 | UPIAR/414479598715/DR/SRI GURU/FDRL/srigurudeva171 |
105 | 520101229469805 | Money Transfer to | 01612210005120 | | | Layer : 7 | 450984787275 | 9800.00 | 1000.00 | UPIAR/450984787275/DR/naikroop/CNRB/naikroopesh676 |
106 | 01632610001121 | Money Transfer to | 00000020007666383 | | | Layer : 7 | 414354096125 | 5600.00 | 500.00 | 414354096125 |
107 | 01702210007645 | Money Transfer to | 82010100015741 | | | Layer : 7 | 451222152173 | 8000.00 | 500.00 | 451222152173 |
108 | 82010100015741 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 500.00 | 0.00 | lien marked |
109 | 010561100000039 | Money Transfer to | 923020005347997 | UTIB0002803 | PUNJAB | Layer : 7 | YESB41434009324 | 9166.00 | 99.00 | Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK. |
110 | 923020005347997 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 99.00 | 0.00 | Amount put on hold |
111 | 00000020007666383 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 500.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold for disputed amount available balance is Rs.890-/ |
112 | 0149SLGOPYAC | Money Transfer to | XXXXXX7901 | sbin0009624 | ASSAM | Layer : 7 | 414419531165 | 650.00 | 650.00 | As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account no is visible.Avoid reassigning these tickets. Money transfer to Merchant Name:Mosfirat Nasrin Store Ext ID:BCR2DN4T7WI2RDTG , Amount of individual RRN:650 IFSC: sbin0009624, IMPS RRN: 414419237686, Transa |
113 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | XXXXXX6370 | sbin0009624 | ASSAM | Layer : 7 | 414420600058 | 1680.00 | 1680.00 | As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account no is visible.Avoid reassigning these tickets. Money transfer to Merchant Name:Mosfirat Nasrin Store Ext ID:BCR2DN4T7WI2RDTG , Amount of individual RRN:1680 IFSC: sbin0009624, IMPS RRN: 414420827825, Trans |
114 | 19630200001710 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 600.00 | 0.00 | amount lien marked |
115 | XXXXXX7901 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 650.00 | 0.00 | WRONG ACCOUNT AND WRONG TXN ID |
116 | 7232500100463401 | Money Transfer to | 01212210027595 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 7 | 414483669245 | 5500.00 | 1000.00 | |
117 | 7232500100946101 | Money Transfer to | 7232000100003501 | KARB0000723 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 7 | 414342375688 | 1800.00 | 1800.00 | |
118 | 99980112004945 | Money Transfer to | 99980110962847 | FDRL0002139 | KERALA | Layer : 7 | 413237893094 | 7000.00 | 7000.00 | UPIOUT/413237893094/fasilmayanad312-1@okaxis/0000 |
119 | 44082210011434 | Money Transfer to | 40176101071582 | KLGB0040176 | KERALA | Layer : 7 | 449886213082 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | DISPUTED AMOUNT 2000 |
120 | 44082210011434 | Money Transfer to | 40176101071582 | KLGB0040176 | KERALA | Layer : 7 | 449849618631 | 20000.00 | 20000.00 | disputed amount 20000 |
121 | 44082210011434 | Money Transfer to | 40176101071582 | KLGB0040176 | KERALA | Layer : 7 | 413231315767 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | DISPUTED AMOUNTB 1000 |
122 | 40176101071582 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 10000.00 | 0.00 | ATMATM Details: Place of ATM :-CANARA BANK ADIVARAM KL IN ATM ID :-0996BH01
123 | 40176101071582 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 10000.00 | 0.00 | atmATM Details: Place of ATM :-PO KAITHAPOYIL PUTHUPPADY KL IN ATM ID :-MCRM5853
124 | 40176101071801 | Money Transfer to | 026210087178 | IPOS0000001 | DELHI | Layer : 7 | 413281041158 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | |
125 | 40176101071801 | Money Transfer to | 77770119164453 | FDRL0007777 | KERALA | Layer : 7 | 413203930058 | 140.00 | 140.00 | |
126 | 77770119164453 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 140.00 | 0.00 | ACCOUNT FROZEN |
127 | 7232000100003501 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 1800.00 | 0.00 | lien marked on disputed amount of Rs1800 |
128 | 40176101071582 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 10000.00 | 0.00 | 000000009518.Disputed amount is rs.1000/- onlyATM Details: Place of ATM :-CANARA BANK ADIVARAM KL IN ATM ID :-0996BH01
129 | 40176101071582 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 10000.00 | 0.00 | 000000009518.Disputed amount is rs.2000/- onlyATM Details: Place of ATM :-CANARA BANK ADIVARAM KL IN ATM ID :-0996BH01
130 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | xxxx7614 | kvgb0008002 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 8 | 414403350926 | 15.00 | 15.00 | Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name:ASHWINI PAAN STALL GOPALA POOJARY,Merchant Ext ID: BCR2DN4TXSFKFW2E, Transaction Settlement timestamp:2024-May-23 14:24:15 L,Settlement IMPS RRN:414414143884, Amount of individual RRN:15, VPA:NA, IFSC:kvgb0008 |
131 | 414442405794 | Money Transfer to | 7232500100945301 | KARB0000723 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 8 | AXNPM14591450076 | 3.00 | 3.00 | The whole amount of INR 3.00/- was moved to KARNATAKA BANK LIMITED which was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall b |
132 | 009821010000036 | Money Transfer to | 81760100003112 | | | Layer : 8 | 414400331268 | 10000.00 | 1454.00 | UPIAR/414400331268/DR/SUDHAKAR/BARB/sudhakakulal@o |
133 | 81760100003112 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 8 | | 1454.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
134 | xxxx7614 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 8 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | The mentioned account number does not belong to Karnataka Gramin Bank |
135 | 7232500100945301 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 8 | | 3.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked DA of Rs.3/- |
136 | 01212210027595 | Money Transfer to | 5266101001691 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 8 | 451596656859 | 18000.00 | 1000.00 | |
137 | 99980110962847 | Money Transfer to | 11660100257078 | FDRL0001166 | KERALA | Layer : 8 | 413297355113 | 6000.00 | 6000.00 | UPIOUT/413297355113/hunais754@okicici/UPI/0000 |
138 | 99980110962847 | Money Transfer to | 50100549194282 | HDFC0005021 | KERALA | Layer : 8 | 413762463427 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | UPIOUT/413762463427/mashhoodali2@ybl/Payment/0000 |
139 | 99980110962847 | Money Transfer to | 50100549194282 | HDFC0005021 | KERALA | Layer : 8 | 413762463427 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | UPIOUT/413762463427/mashhoodali2@ybl/Payment/0000 |
140 | 50100549194282 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 8 | | 1.00 | 0.00 | WRONG ENTRY PLEASE IGNORE THIS TRANSACTION |
141 | 026210087178 | Money Transfer to | 77770142297254 | FDRL0007777 | KERALA | Layer : 8 | 413296299405 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | upi txn |
142 | 77770142297254 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 8 | | 2000.00 | 0.00 | ACCOUNT FROZEN |
143 | 5266101001691 | Money Transfer to | 81740100000517 | BARB0VJKMBH | KARNATAKA | Layer : 9 | 414958167561 | 30000.00 | 1000.00 | |
144 | 81740100000517 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 9 | | 1000.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
145 | 11660100257078 | Money Transfer to | 7356598279 | AIRP0000001 | HARYANA | Layer : 9 | 449851254540 | 2000.00 | 250.00 | UPIOUT/449851254540/muhammadmuhsin476@okicic/0000 |
146 | 11660100257078 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | UTIB0000000 | | Layer : 9 | 449845344666 | 650.00 | 650.00 | UPIOUT/449845344666/8590144326@okbizaxis/UPI/5732 |
147 | 11660100257078 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | UTIB0000000 | | Layer : 9 | 413297458087 | 5100.00 | 5100.00 | UPIOUT/413297458087/8590144326@okbizaxis/UPI/5732 |
148 | 50100549194282 | Money Transfer to | 15720100126420 | FDRL0001572 | KERALA | Layer : 9 | 413841342449 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
149 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | | | Layer : 10 | 449845344666 | 650.00 | 650.00 | UPIOUT/449845344666/8590144326@okbizaxis/UPI/5732 |
150 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | | | Layer : 10 | 413297458087 | 5100.00 | 5100.00 | UPIOUT/413297458087/8590144326@okbizaxis/UPI/5732 |
151 | 7356598279 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | YESB0YBLUPI | | Layer : 10 | 449804949387 | 500.00 | 250.00 | |
152 | 15720100126420 | Money Transfer to | 317001001860 | ICIC0003170 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 10 | 414465244386 | 2900.00 | 1000.00 | UPIOUT/414465244386/shahinshashinz-1@okicici/0000 |
153 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 11 | 449804949387 | 500.00 | 250.00 | |
154 | 317001001860 | Money Transfer to | 2847385500 | KKBK0000958 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 11 | 414430811111 | 3000.00 | 1000.00 | DA 1000/- |
155 | 002261100000025 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 11 | | 500.00 | 0.00 | t is a Fuel Station (MOROOTTIL FUELS) PHONE NUMBER: 9961343333. Address: building: 12/208, MORAYUR, MALAPPURAM, Kerala, India |
156 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | XXXXX0117 | sbin0070840 | KERALA | Layer : 11 | 449845344666 | 650.00 | 650.00 | IMPS Settlement RRN: 413220586236. As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account number is visible and all details are correctly provided. Info shared based on the most nearby details. |
157 | XXXXX0117 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 11 | | 650.00 | 0.00 | Invalid account number |
158 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | XXXXX0117 | sbin0070840 | KERALA | Layer : 11 | 413297458087 | 5100.00 | 5100.00 | IMPS Settlement RRN: 413220570638. As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account number is visible and all details are correctly provided. Info shared based on the most nearby details. As per our tool only the last 4 digits of Account number is visibl |
159 | 2847385500 | Money Transfer to | 375101000005020 | IOBA0003751 | KERALA | Layer : 12 | 414427624112 | 5000.00 | 1000.00 | |
160 | XXXXX0117 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 12 | | 5100.00 | 0.00 | Txn put on hold and involved account number in full is 40707460117......... |
161 | 375101000005020 | Money Transfer to | 6229000100062341 | PUNB0622900 | KERALA | Layer : 13 | 414678174006 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
162 | 6229000100062341 | Money Transfer to | 0733120000344 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 14 | 451228727845 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | UPI/451228727845/P2V/9847442908aa@okaxis/984744290 |
163 | 0733120000344 | Money Transfer to | 00000042588025999 | SBIN0071161 | KERALA | Layer : 15 | 414814365932 | 3000.00 | 1000.00 | |
164 | 00000042588025999 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 15 | | 1000.00 | 0.00 | Hold marked for Rs. 1000/-, and as on today balance is Rs. 6280/-. |