Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035500820 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
2 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035500430 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
3 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035500023 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
4 | 00000003584538361 | Transaction put on hold | | | | Layer : 1 | | 1.00 | 0.00 | HOLD |
5 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035499555 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
6 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433068929486 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
7 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035488652 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
8 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433009859794 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
9 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 115063600000612 | YESB0APLUPI | | Layer : 1 | 433010766951 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
10 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 00000003709769572 | CBIN0281786 | MADHYA PRADESH | Layer : 1 | 433149074068 | 5.00 | 5.00 | |
11 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433091232952 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
12 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433035486954 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
13 | 010310021559 | Others [ <=500] | | | | Layer : 1 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Low value transaction less then equal to 500 |
14 | 501034609467 | Transaction put on hold | | | | Layer : 1 | | 5300.00 | 0.00 | Balance available in account |
15 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433218008096ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBICHITRA DE ATM ID :-0000081144300064038
16 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433218014820ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBICHITRA DE ATM ID :-0000081144300064038
17 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 900.00 | 433306011692ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBISEVASHRAM B N MI ATM ID :-0000081144300064011
18 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433306012933ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBISEVASHRAM B N MI ATM ID :-0000081144300064011
19 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433218022143ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBICHITRA DE ATM ID :-0000081144300064038
20 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433306011691ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBISEVASHRAM B N MI ATM ID :-0000081144300064011
21 | 501034609467 | Withdrawal through ATM | | | | Layer : 1 | | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 433218016685ATM Details: Place of ATM :-WITHDRAWAL_SBICHITRA DE ATM ID :-0000081144300064038
22 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 501031562753 | NSPB0000002 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433218962775 | 999.00 | 999.00 | |
23 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 501031562753 | NSPB0000002 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433263511237 | 19000.00 | 19000.00 | |
24 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 501034609467 | NSPB0000002 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433288504828 | 80000.00 | 80000.00 | |
25 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 010310021559 | IPOS0000001 | DELHI | Layer : 1 | 433200763571 | 1.00 | 1.00 | |
26 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433105229942 | 9995.00 | 9995.00 | |
27 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433135962696 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
28 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433100641940 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
29 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433135960672 | 9998.00 | 9998.00 | |
30 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433141309802 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
31 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433156746498 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
32 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433135932104 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
33 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433135931713 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
34 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | RATN000RAPL | | Layer : 1 | 433135930771 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
35 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | UTIB0000100 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433173299551 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
36 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 10114455435 | IDFB0040101 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 433165473334 | 1.00 | 1.00 | |
37 | 624801516800 | Money Transfer to | 00000003584538361 | CBIN0283557 | GUJARAT | Layer : 1 | 433024258040 | 1.00 | 1.00 | |
38 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433105229942 | 9995.00 | 9995.00 | |
39 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433135962696 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
40 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433100641940 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
41 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433135960672 | 9998.00 | 9998.00 | |
42 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433141309802 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
43 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433156746498 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
44 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433135932104 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
45 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433135931713 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
46 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433135930771 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
47 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433173299551 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
48 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035500820 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
49 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035500430 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
50 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035500023 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
51 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035499555 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
52 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433068929486 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
53 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035488652 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
54 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433009859794 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
55 | 10114455435 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | UTIB0000553 | ANDHRA PRADESH | Layer : 2 | 433149561750 | 250.00 | 1.00 | We have marked lien on account however, disputed funds INR 1/- has been transferred to another account, find attached account statement. customer mobile number 918093938230. |
56 | 10001291013360 | Money Transfer to | 10001291013360 | | | Layer : 2 | 433091232952 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
57 | 2541109900110151 | Money Transfer to | 2541109900110151 | | | Layer : 2 | 433035486954 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
58 | 115063600000612 | Money Transfer to | 115063600000612 | | | Layer : 2 | 433010766951 | 9999.00 | 9999.00 | |
59 | 115063600000612 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
60 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
61 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
62 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
63 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
64 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
65 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
66 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
67 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
68 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
69 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
70 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
71 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
72 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
73 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
74 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
75 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9998.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9998 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
76 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
77 | 2541109900110151 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9999.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9999 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
78 | 10001291013360 | Other | | | | Layer : 2 | | 9995.00 | 0.00 | Regarding complaint for 31111240191080 FOR Rs 9995 paid in relation to an order placed on which was processed successfully. Hence, the amount cannot be refunded. |
79 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 918020110872063 | | | Layer : 3 | 433149561750 | 250.00 | 1.00 | We have marked lien on account however, disputed funds INR 1/- has been transferred to another account, find attached account statement. customer mobile number 918093938230. |
80 | 918020110872063 | Money Transfer to | 55550117281681 | fdrl0005555 | KERALA | Layer : 4 | 433111465489 | 250.00 | 1.00 | new Merchant IN FullAccNum_Given SettlementAmount_Provided SettlementRRN_Given |
81 | 55550117281681 | Money Transfer to | 001425000000051 | YESB0PTMUPI | | Layer : 5 | 433122917291 | 165.00 | 1.00 | UPIOUT/433122917291/paytmqr3fmyouvul7@paytm//5812 |
82 | 001425000000051 | Money Transfer to | 001425000000051 | | | Layer : 6 | 433122917291 | 165.00 | 1.00 | UPIOUT/433122917291/paytmqr3fmyouvul7@paytm//5812 |
83 | 001425000000051 | Money Transfer to | 0854010106879 | PUNB0085420 | ODISHA | Layer : 7 | YESAP43322767069 | 9127.00 | 1.00 | The disputed amount was moved to mentioned Bank, Please take the necessary action. For further information, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad to assist you. |
84 | 0854010106879 | Transaction put on hold | | PUNB0085420 | ODISHA | Layer : 7 | | 1.00 | 0.00 | NCRP: Lien marked on account |