Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | | Money Transfer to | TID 00222937 | HDFC0000522 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 1 | 058652 | 1700.00 | 1700.00 | 457262XXXXX4442 |
2 | | Money Transfer to | TID 70032781MID PHONEPER6229814 | | | Layer : 1 | 025838 | 92250.00 | 92250.00 | 457262XXXXX4442 |
3 | | Money Transfer to | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | | | Layer : 1 | 013961 | 21525.00 | 21525.00 | |
4 | | Money Transfer to | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | | | Layer : 1 | 037549 | 92250.00 | 92250.00 | 457262XXXXX4442 |
5 | | Money Transfer to | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | | | Layer : 1 | 064737 | 92250.00 | 92250.00 | 457262XXXXX4442 |
6 | TID 00222937 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 1 | | 1700.00 | 0.00 | ICICI Merchant services is being handled by other organization i.e. First Data (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kindly coordinate on e-mail ID,,,,, Co |
7 | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | Money Transfer to | 50100524627891 | HDFC0000001 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 2 | 421078010375 | 92250.00 | 90000.00 | This is a rent payment and the settled fund is exclusive of convenience fee which varies from the disputed amount and the settled amount is 90000 |
8 | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | Money Transfer to | 50100524627891 | HDFC0000001 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 2 | 421078021085 | 21525.00 | 21000.00 | This is a rent payment and the settled fund is exclusive of convenience fee which varies from the disputed amount and the settled amount is 21000 |
9 | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | Money Transfer to | 50100524627891 | HDFC0000001 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 2 | 421078001428 | 92250.00 | 90000.00 | This is a rent payment and the settled fund is exclusive of convenience fee which varies from the disputed amount and the settled amount is 90000 |
10 | TID 99999999 MID PHON8RUPAYCYBSZ | Money Transfer to | 50100524627891 | HDFC0000001 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 2 | 421078004468 | 92250.00 | 90000.00 | This is a rent payment and the settled fund is exclusive of convenience fee which varies from the disputed amount and the settled amount is 90000 |