Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | 020701500284 | Money Transfer to | 257428808675 | | | Layer : 1 | ICICR52024020800361895 | 500000.00 | 500000.00 | DA 500000/- |
2 | 020701500284 | Money Transfer to | 257023391789 | | | Layer : 1 | ICICR12024021301798513 | 246000.00 | 246000.00 | DA 246000 |
3 | 020701500284 | Money Transfer to | 257023391789 | | | Layer : 1 | ICICR12024021301798513 | 246000.00 | 246000.00 | DA 246000 |
4 | 257023391789 | Closed Complaint | 0 | | | Layer : 1 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Already acti0n taken |
5 | 66026465435 | Money Transfer to | 0448002100160413 | | | Layer : 1 | 403113658300 | 50000.00 | 50000.00 | |
6 | 257428808675 | Money Transfer to | 923020058108426 | | | Layer : 2 | 403913116128 | 207900.00 | 207900.00 | |
7 | 257428808675 | Money Transfer to | 3349813577 | | | Layer : 2 | 403913116163 | 189000.00 | 189000.00 | |
8 | 257428808675 | Money Transfer to | 0803053000001885 | | | Layer : 2 | 403913116204 | 50770.00 | 50770.00 | |
9 | 257428808675 | Money Transfer to | 15940100210517 | | | Layer : 2 | 403913116230 | 31538.00 | 31538.00 | |
10 | 257428808675 | Money Transfer to | 746310110004182 | | | Layer : 2 | 403913116261 | 25432.00 | 20792.00 | |
11 | 257023391789 | Money Transfer to | 60475117104 | | | Layer : 2 | 404415851749 | 174501.00 | 174501.00 | |
12 | 257023391789 | Money Transfer to | 068007891682190001 | | | Layer : 2 | 404415887461 | 45120.00 | 45120.00 | |
13 | 257023391789 | Money Transfer to | 10169353041 | | | Layer : 2 | 404415887478 | 47000.00 | 26379.00 | |
14 | 0803053000001885 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 0803053000001885 | SIBL0000803 | KERALA | Layer : 2 | | 50700.00 | 0.00 | |
15 | 068007891682190001 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 15000.00 | 0.00 | RRN:1237ATM Details: Place of ATM :-THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER MONGAM BRANCH CSB BANK LTD GROUND FLOOR PPA COMPLEX NEARBY VALLUVAM 67364 ATM ID :-CSBH068001
16 | 068007891682190001 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 15000.00 | 0.00 | RRN:1239ATM Details: Place of ATM :-THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER MONGAM BRANCH CSB BANK LTD GROUND FLOOR PPA COMPLEX NEARBY VALLUVAM 67364 ATM ID :-CSBH068001
17 | 068007891682190001 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 15000.00 | 0.00 | RRN:1241ATM Details: Place of ATM :-THE PRINCIPAL OFFICER MONGAM BRANCH CSB BANK LTD GROUND FLOOR PPA COMPLEX NEARBY VALLUVAM 67364 ATM ID :-CSBH068001
18 | 10169353041 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 26379.00 | 0.00 | Disputed amount 26379/- put on hold. However money has been withdrawn through Cheque, Cheque number 000001. Find attachment. Customer mobile no:- 919873963214. |
19 | 0448002100160413 | Money Transfer to | 8283010000007276 | | | Layer : 2 | 403113959126 | 303690.00 | 50000.00 | IMPS-OUT/403113959126/DBSS0IN0811/8283010000007276 |
20 | 3349813577 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 189000.00 | 0.00 | Marked debit freeze and saved in the same account |
21 | 923020058108426 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 923020058108426 | UTIB0002750 | DELHI | Layer : 2 | | 619000.00 | 0.00 | SAK/CASH WDL/SAK382064684/2750/BURARI DE/SELF. Account has been marked debit freeze. |
22 | 60475117104 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 60475117104 | MAHB0001904 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 2 | | 650000.00 | 0.00 | DA 174501/- |
23 | 0803053000001885 | Money Transfer to | 201013400140 | | | Layer : 3 | 403947500091 | 700.00 | 70.00 | |
24 | 746310110004182 | Money Transfer to | 7546120025 | KKBK0003533 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 3 | 440862857647 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | |
25 | 746310110004182 | Money Transfer to | 1711221412488411 | AUBL0002216 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 3 | 403909130623 | 9000.00 | 9000.00 | |
26 | 746310110004182 | Money Transfer to | 19744201000007 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 403915557096 | 6900.00 | 1792.00 | |
27 | 15940100210517 | Money Transfer to | 917904883135 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 403913192810 | 31000.00 | 31000.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/403913192810/PYTM0123456/POOVARASI KAS |
28 | 15940100210517 | Money Transfer to | 917904883135 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 403916255061 | 19000.00 | 538.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/403916255061/PYTM0123456/POOVARASI KAS |
29 | 201013400140 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 700.00 | 0.00 | NFS CASH TXN/IN/FBL KODALI THRISSURATM Details: Place of ATM :-NFS CASH TXN/IN/FBL KODALI THRISSUR ATM ID :-RH170001
30 | 8283010000007276 | Money Transfer to | 6446101000051 | | | Layer : 3 | 403114056423 | 65114.00 | 65114.00 | IMPS-P2A-403114056423-ROHIT KUMAR SINGH |
31 | 8283010000007276 | Money Transfer to | 6446101000051 | | | Layer : 3 | 403114056423 | 65114.00 | 50000.00 | IMPS-P2A-403114056423-ROHIT KUMAR SINGH |
32 | 1711221412488411 | Money Transfer to | 091252000003643 | | | Layer : 4 | 404171677129 | 12000.00 | 9000.00 | |
33 | 917904883135 | Money Transfer to | 28248100027296 | BARB0GOPIBS | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 4 | 440520099986 | 11000.00 | 10538.90 | DA 31000 |
34 | 917904883135 | Money Transfer to | 953966913@ybl | UTIB0004711 | KERALA | Layer : 4 | 440577121961 | 20000.00 | 1461.10 | |
35 | 917904883135 | Money Transfer to | yQGVAH76344060613257 | | | Layer : 4 | 4088237352 | 19000.00 | 19000.00 | 4020834520060001281/AKSHAY PRATAP SINGH TOMAR |
36 | 917904883135 | Money Transfer to | 953966913@ybl | UTIB0004711 | KERALA | Layer : 4 | 440577121961 | 20000.00 | 538.00 | |
37 | 19744201000007 | Money Transfer to | 917073751491 | | | Layer : 4 | 5C0BM5007LBV | 14300.00 | 1792.00 | The whole amount of INR 14300/- was moved to Bank in which INR 6900/- was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be g |
38 | 7546120025 | Money Transfer to | 501021510155 | NSPB0000002 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 4 | 404240646051 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | |
39 | 7546120025 | Money Transfer to | 46088100017606 | BARB0BAGRAN | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 4 | 440812229023 | 8000.00 | 8000.00 | |
40 | 7546120025 | Money Transfer to | 00000037066225834 | SBIN0031045 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 4 | 440950173369 | 1980.00 | 1000.00 | |
41 | 46088100017606 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 2505.00 | 0.00 | Lien marked |
42 | 00000037066225834 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 1000.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold available balance is Rs1083/- |
43 | 28248100027296 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 10538.90 | 0.00 | Transaction amount and disputed amount is different, Therefore we can not mark hold in the account. |
44 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 1511020000000789 | | | Layer : 4 | 403138471071 | 25000.00 | 1813.00 | |
45 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 34453901440 | | | Layer : 4 | 403120192115 | 40100.00 | 40100.00 | |
46 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 418405000394 | | | Layer : 4 | 439811707908 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | |
47 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 23100010905319 | | | Layer : 4 | 403267952148 | 2500.00 | 2500.00 | |
48 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 584620110000381 | | | Layer : 4 | 403348812693 | 30000.00 | 15701.00 | |
49 | 584620110000381 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 14500.00 | 0.00 | Remaining amount Rs.14500 lien marked |
50 | 34453901440 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 40100.00 | 0.00 | Account put on hold for disputed amount Rs. 40100/- and available balance as on today is Rs. 0/- |
51 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 34453901440 | SBIN0007115 | BIHAR | Layer : 4 | 403120192115 | 40100.00 | 40100.00 | |
52 | 34453901440 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 40100.00 | 0.00 | already complied on 26.02.2024 |
53 | yQGVAH76344060613257 | Money Transfer to | 77770118390901 | | | Layer : 5 | PYTM240394005979 | 19000.00 | 19000.00 | The whole amount of INR 19000/- was moved to Bank in which INR 19000/- was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be |
54 | 917073751491 | Money Transfer to | 0103SL00IPAY | | | Layer : 5 | 404510708862 | 13972.00 | 1792.00 | |
55 | 091252000003643 | Money Transfer to | 20148016879 | FINO0000001 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 5 | 404280723380 | 10000.00 | 9000.00 | |
56 | 46088100017606 | Money Transfer to | 55550128658455 | FDRL0005555 | KERALA | Layer : 5 | 440839128681 | 10000.00 | 5495.00 | |
57 | 501021510155 | Money Transfer to | 7875000100012258 | | | Layer : 5 | 404230899154 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
58 | 501021510155 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 5 | 404658598196 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
59 | 953966913@ybl | Money Transfer to | 0996101062138 | CNRB0000033 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 5 | 440579738116 | 19000.00 | 1999.10 | bene name MAHASHOOK |
60 | 584620110000381 | Money Transfer to | 2060SLRAZORP | ICIC0DC0099 | | Layer : 5 | 403634678083 | 2633.00 | 1201.00 | ICIC0DC0099 |
61 | 34453901440 | Money Transfer to | 00000033856449301 | SBIN0017451 | BIHAR | Layer : 5 | 439783729197 | 40000.00 | 40000.00 | |
62 | 34453901440 | Money Transfer to | 6446101000051 | CNRB0006446 | BIHAR | Layer : 5 | 403397922823 | 4400.00 | 100.00 | |
63 | 00000033856449301 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 40000.00 | 0.00 | Account put on hold for disputed amount Rs. 40000/- and available balance as on today is Rs. 376565/- |
64 | 418405000394 | Money Transfer to | 418405000394 | | | Layer : 5 | 439811707908 | 5341.00 | 5341.00 | ifsc-ICIC0DC0099 |
65 | 23100010905319 | Money Transfer to | 584618210002924 | | | Layer : 5 | 403213013239 | 2280.00 | 2280.00 | |
66 | 23100010905319 | Money Transfer to | 435118210005779 | | | Layer : 5 | 403369523110 | 260.00 | 220.00 | |
67 | 584618210002924 | Aadhaar Enabled Payment System(AEPS) | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 9900.00 | 0.00 | TRANSACTION_ID 404610859917NPCI_RRN 404610951826TRANSACTION_DATE 15-02-24TERMINAL_ID YBUSPI002732294ACQUIRER_ID 200043ACQUIRER_NAME YES BANK,da2280 |
68 | 435118210005779 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 220.00 | 0.00 | Rs.220 has marked lien and informed to the concerned branch |
69 | 1511020000000789 | Money Transfer to | 259405500381 | ICIC0DC0099 | | Layer : 5 | 403171093636 | 40000.00 | 1813.00 | |
70 | 259405500381 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 1813.00 | 0.00 | DA-1813 PUT ON HOLD SR no SR967594105 |
71 | 418405000394 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 5341.00 | 0.00 | We are not able to trace given transaction in our records with the give information.Please share the bank statement and bank sms with exact time stamp highlighting the fraudulent transaction. |
72 | 0103SL00IPAY | Money Transfer to | 0103SL00IPAY | ICIC0DC0099 | | Layer : 6 | 404510708862 | 13972.00 | 13972.00 | DA-13972 |
73 | 20148016879 | Money Transfer to | 00000020041592272 | SBIN0013058 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 6 | 404238874038 | 3000.00 | 3000.00 | |
74 | 20148016879 | Money Transfer to | 00000003650785429 | CBIN0280782 | MADHYA PRADESH | Layer : 6 | 404373601450 | 5100.00 | 5100.00 | |
75 | 20148016879 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | YESB0YBLUPI | | Layer : 6 | 404454312231 | 885.00 | 885.00 | |
76 | 20148016879 | Money Transfer to | 029310160084 | IPOS0000001 | DELHI | Layer : 6 | 404447516782 | 190.00 | 190.00 | |
77 | 20148016879 | Money Transfer to | 00000020334312116 | SBIN0009064 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 6 | 405179204528 | 2690.00 | 1000.00 | |
78 | 77770118390901 | Money Transfer to | 09838100014093 | | | Layer : 6 | 403933408623 | 20000.00 | 19000.00 | UPIOUT/403933408623/6397388708@axisb/Paid vi/0000 |
79 | 55550128658455 | Money Transfer to | 41090100003731 | | | Layer : 6 | 404274611077 | 1100.00 | 1100.00 | UPIOUT/404274611077/8377858607@ybl/Payment f/0000 |
80 | 55550128658455 | Money Transfer to | 671302010025052 | | | Layer : 6 | 404287175633 | 1000.00 | 1000.00 | UPIOUT/404287175633/888236132@ibl/Payment fr/0000 |
81 | 55550128658455 | Money Transfer to | 671302010025052 | | | Layer : 6 | 404232539857 | 24000.00 | 3395.00 | UPIOUT/404232539857/888236132@ybl/Payment fr/0000 |
82 | 09838100014093 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 19000.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
83 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 6 | 404658598196 | 500.00 | 500.00 | |
84 | 7875000100012258 | Money Transfer to | 05390110078730 | | | Layer : 6 | 440893339606 | 500.00 | 500.00 | UPI/440893339606/P2V/7414863951@ybl/MANOJ SAINI |
85 | 05390110078730 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 500.00 | 0.00 | Lien marked |
86 | 0996101062138 | Money Transfer to | Terminal id is 00263092 | | | Layer : 6 | 403911185642 | 18427.26 | 1999.10 | Merchant name is SKRILL.COM, card number is 468779XXXXXX3487 |
87 | 00000020334312116 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 1000.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold available balance is Rs103652/- |
88 | 00000020041592272 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 3000.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold available balance is Rs300/- |
89 | 00000003650785429 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 3500.00 | 0.00 | HOLD |
90 | 2060SLRAZORP | Money Transfer to | 2060SLRAZORP | | | Layer : 6 | 403634678083 | 2633.00 | 1201.00 | ICIC0DC0099 |
91 | 6446101000051 | Money Transfer to | 922020016497134 | | | Layer : 6 | 439931922627 | 10000.00 | 100.00 | 439931922627 |
92 | 922020016497134 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 100.00 | 0.00 | TRXN PUT ON HOLD LIEN MARKED |
93 | 2060SLRAZORP | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 2633.00 | 0.00 | Thank You for reaching out to Razorpay. We have escalated the issue to the merchant meanwhile please find the beneficiary details below. |
94 | 418405000394 | Money Transfer to | 19079000198 | | | Layer : 6 | PZT2402011317F7OWM01 | 5341.00 | 5341.00 | 439811707908 |
95 | 19079000198 | Closed Complaint | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Delivered |
96 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 7 | 404454312231 | 885.00 | 885.00 | |
97 | 029310160084 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | YESB0YBLUPI | | Layer : 7 | 441105131198 | 400.00 | 190.00 | UPI TXN |
98 | 671302010025052 | Money Transfer to | 04131000034729 | | | Layer : 7 | 404319161096 | 49000.00 | 4395.00 | IMPSAR/404319161096/LALITA DEVI/04131000034729 |
99 | 04131000034729 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 4395.00 | 0.00 | Rs 4395 put on hold in this account |
100 | 00000020041592272 | Money Transfer to | 23930110007488 | | | Layer : 7 | 404212134210 | 3000.00 | 3000.00 | |
101 | 23930110007488 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 3000.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
102 | 00000003650785429 | Money Transfer to | 40390190766 | SBIN0030439 | MADHYA PRADESH | Layer : 7 | 404454490408 | 5000.00 | 1600.00 | UPI |
103 | 40390190766 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 1600.00 | 0.00 | Hold marked for Rs.1600- /-, and as on today balance is Rs.160440-/-. |
104 | 0103SL00IPAY | Money Transfer to | SBI Credit Card ending with 4446 | | | Layer : 7 | ZIC51749615004 | 13972.00 | 13972.00 | The transaction reference number ZIC51749615004 has been settled towards the merchant SBI Credit Card ending with 4446. Merchant reference number for which the payment was made is SBICARD2402140915737356 an amount of Rs. 13972.00. While we have highlighte |
105 | SBI Credit Card ending with 4446 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 13972.00 | 0.00 | Hi Team , Necessary action against the same has been taken at our end , for further details please reach out to our legal team. Email id: |
106 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 8 | 441105131198 | 400.00 | 190.00 | UPI TXN |
107 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 03974010000040// PUNB0039710 | PUNB0039710 | MADHYA PRADESH | Layer : 9 | YESEB40460592331 | 6940.00 | 190.00 | This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 190. |
108 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 27950100009063// BARB0JAISAN | BARB0JAISAN | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 9 | YESEB40450043711 | 1130.00 | 885.00 | This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 885. The shared information is correct. Kindly recheck from your end. |
109 | 27950100009063// BARB0JAISAN | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 9 | | 1130.00 | 0.00 | The account does not exist |
110 | 27950100009063// BARB0JAISAN | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 9 | | 1130.00 | 0.00 | As per IFSC the account belongs to Bank of Baroda, Please reassign back to concern bank. |
111 | 03974010000040// PUNB0039710 | Money Transfer to | 30726811886A11577300 | SBIN0009995 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 10 | PUNBR52024021514567997 | 1000000.00 | 190.00 | NRTGS/PUNBR52024021514567997/0502626140/H P C L |
112 | 30726811886A11577300 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 10 | | 190.00 | 0.00 | Account is hold available balance is Rs153299444/- |