Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 1745903502 | | | Layer : 1 | 336433283852 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | |
2 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 53180100005092 | | | Layer : 1 | 336574140447 | 5000.00 | 5000.00 | |
3 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 003520391284586 | | | Layer : 1 | 400114247143 | 12500.00 | 12500.00 | |
4 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 2301216055248952 | | | Layer : 1 | 400112912150 | 9000.00 | 9000.00 | |
5 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 15160100107874 | | | Layer : 1 | 400114988196 | 16000.00 | 16000.00 | |
6 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 19770100062550 | | | Layer : 1 | 400212588213 | 85800.00 | 85800.00 | |
7 | 30178489584 | Money Transfer to | 99980122620813 | | | Layer : 1 | 400313832154 | 150000.00 | 150000.00 | |
8 | 2301216055248952 | Cash Withdrawal through Cheque | 2301216055248952 | AUBL0002160 | GUJARAT | Layer : 1 | | 500000.00 | 0.00 | Necessary steps have been applied on the said account. For further information, please reach out to us at and disputed amount is Rs 9000 |
9 | 53180100005092 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 1 | | 5000.00 | 0.00 | Account Freezed (Lien Marked) |
10 | 1745903502 | Money Transfer to | 061001000694 | ICIC0000610 | HARYANA | Layer : 2 | 336455268675 | 240.00 | 140.00 | |
11 | 1745903502 | Money Transfer to | 00000020071265148 | SBIN0011770 | GUJARAT | Layer : 2 | 336455381186 | 150.00 | 150.00 | |
12 | 1745903502 | Money Transfer to | 194601509116 | ICIC0001946 | DELHI | Layer : 2 | 336500671417 | 30210.00 | 1810.00 | |
13 | 194601509116 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 1810.00 | 0.00 | DA-1810/- Hold |
14 | 061001000694 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 140.00 | 0.00 | DA-140/- Hold |
15 | 00000020071265148 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Account put on hold for disputed amount Rs. 150/- and available balance as on today is Rs. 103/- |
16 | 003520391284586 | Money Transfer to | 23100020185475 | FSFB0000001 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 2 | 400103172151 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | DA - 2000 |
17 | 003520391284586 | Money Transfer to | 15920100185539 | FDRL0001592 | KERALA | Layer : 2 | 400102172246 | 23000.00 | 8500.00 | DA - 8500 |
18 | 19770100062550 | Money Transfer to | 20420100074497 | | | Layer : 2 | 6412371 | 85800.00 | 85800.00 | FN/NARESH MADHUKAR TAMORE/6412371 |
19 | 99980122620813 | Money Transfer to | 50200087770911 | HDFC0000342 | PUNJAB | Layer : 2 | 400313776274 | 150000.00 | 150000.00 | FN IMPS/IFO/400313776274/HDFC0000342/ukhwant singh |
20 | 50200087770911 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 150000.00 | 0.00 | ATW-403875XXXXXX9087-E1ACPT03-PATIALAATM Details: Place of ATM :-PATIALA ATM ID :-E1ACPT03
21 | 003520391284586 | Money Transfer to | 917431824478 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 2 | 400103163008 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | DA - 2000 |
22 | 15160100107874 | Money Transfer to | 019505012363 | ICIC0000195 | ODISHA | Layer : 2 | 400114708144 | 190000.00 | 16000.00 | FN IMPS/IFO/400114708144/ICIC0000195/NARESH KUMAR |
23 | 019505012363 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 16000.00 | 0.00 | DA-16000/- Debited Through This collection account ID-BIL/BPAY/000775779106/ICICI BANK CRED/noRemark Co-ordinate with branch. |
24 | 15160100107874 | Money Transfer to | 019505012363 | ICIC0000195 | ODISHA | Layer : 2 | 400114708144 | 190000.00 | 16000.00 | FN IMPS/IFO/400114708144/ICIC0000195/NARESH KUMAR |
25 | 19770100062550 | Money Transfer to | 20420100074497 | | | Layer : 2 | 6412371 | 94000.00 | 85800.00 | FN/NARESH MADHUKAR TAMORE/6412371 |
26 | 019505012363 | Old Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 2 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Due to old transaction of we are unable to retrieve the details. Thus, requesting the police authority to kindly serve a notice to concerned / local branch for further details. |
27 | 00000020071265148 | Money Transfer to | 19744201000007 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 3 | 373034636268 | 54.00 | 47.00 | |
28 | 15920100185539 | Money Transfer to | 50100685710838 | HDFC0003892 | PUNJAB | Layer : 3 | 400120886795 | 23000.00 | 8500.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/400120886795/HDFC0003892/SAHIL SAHIL |
29 | 50100685710838 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 199537.20 | 0.00 | ATW-419188XXXXXX8585-CBD01101-DXBATM Details: Place of ATM :-DXB ATM ID :-CBD01101
30 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 663902010002475 | UBIN0566390 | TRIPURA | Layer : 3 | 400131954236 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
31 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 0585200100009512 | PUNB0058520 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400132096379 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
32 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 65520100002898 | BARB0VJTEZP | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400132163520 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
33 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 509510110003892 | BKID0005095 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 436734915912 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
34 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 28320110010884 | UCBA0002832 | TRIPURA | Layer : 3 | 436735549905 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
35 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 00000036005205644 | SBIN0000083 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 436736784791 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
36 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 00000097008305379 | SBIN0000083 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 436736887509 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
37 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 23100020274948 | FSFB0000001 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 3 | 436813643265 | 200.00 | 200.00 | 200 |
38 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 50443994461 | IDIB000M512 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400321801229 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
39 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 50210001345758 | NESF0000017 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400321863867 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
40 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 50443994461 | IDIB000M512 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400322684335 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
41 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 189365963788 | INDB0000099 | MAHARASHTRA | Layer : 3 | 400323251095 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
42 | 917431824478 | Money Transfer to | 2050200100003555 | PUNB0205020 | ASSAM | Layer : 3 | 400323315667 | 150.00 | 150.00 | 150 |
43 | 65520100002898 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Account Freeze (Lien Marked) |
44 | 2050200100003555 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Lien has been marked for reported unused txn rs 150/- Investigating Police Officer may contact to Branch Manager ARUNAV SONOWAL, Contact No-8876004114, PNB Branch Office PENGERI at email ID- and their Controlling Office at email ID- cod |
45 | 00000097008305379 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Wrong account number and wrong txn id |
46 | 00000036005205644 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | ACCOUNT DEBIT FREEZED. Available bal is Rs 1216/- |
47 | 50443994461 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | not idbi |
48 | 23100020185475 | Money Transfer to | 7718400065 | | | Layer : 3 | 400296141873 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | |
49 | 28320110010884 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Lien marked |
50 | 50210001345758 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Alleged concerned account was used for fraudulent deposit The trx amount of 150 was deposited in the account on 03rd Jan 2024 and same amount is disputed We have checked the accounts historical UPI trx we are seeing a pattern of incoming UPI credits from |
51 | 20420100074497 | Money Transfer to | 11111 | KKBK0000884 | GUJARAT | Layer : 3 | 111111 | 1111.00 | 1111.00 | Plese ignore this update. |
52 | 11111 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 3 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Please ignore these updates. |
53 | 20420100074497 | Money Transfer to | 5311551616 | KKBK0000884 | GUJARAT | Layer : 3 | 400212225991 | 100000.00 | 85800.00 | MB IMPS/IFO/400212225991/KKBK0000884/Mayur Pethani |
54 | 19744201000007 | Money Transfer to | 19744201000007 | | | Layer : 4 | 373034636268 | 54.00 | 47.00 | |
55 | 509510110003892 | Money Transfer to | 211401503485 | ICIC0002114 | ASSAM | Layer : 4 | 436869369743 | 200.00 | 150.00 | |
56 | 663902010002475 | Money Transfer to | 003520391284586 | | | Layer : 4 | 400371124540 | 2000.00 | 150.00 | |
57 | 211401503485 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | DA 150/-ATM Details: Place of ATM :-KAPILI HYDEL PROJECT 788931 ATM ID :-S5NK004812621
58 | 189365963788 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 4 | 400308303651 | 180.00 | 150.00 | |
59 | 0585200100009512 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 4 | 437294526936 | 650.00 | 150.00 | UPI/437294526936/P2M/Q773681888@ybl/SHARDA STORES |
60 | 50443994461 | Money Transfer to | 4449281013 | | | Layer : 4 | 400394222602 | 150.00 | 150.00 | funds further moved to upi transfer |
61 | 7718400065 | Money Transfer to | 34716956529 | SBIN0000001 | WEST BENGAL | Layer : 4 | 400208203854 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | UPI |
62 | 34716956529 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 2000.00 | 0.00 | Account put on hold for disputed amount Rs. 2000/- and available balance as on today is Rs. 22251/- |
63 | 28320110010884 | Money Transfer to | 8091012280442 | | | Layer : 4 | 400222965001 | 250.00 | 150.00 | UPI Txn |
64 | 8091012280442 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 4 | | 250.00 | 0.00 | No such account is found. please recheck with IFSC and reassign back to concern back. |
65 | 5311551616 | Money Transfer to | 50100205870400 | HDFC0001706 | GUJARAT | Layer : 4 | KKBKH24002879464 | 40000.00 | 39597.00 | |
66 | 5311551616 | Money Transfer to | 50100205870400 | HDFC0001706 | GUJARAT | Layer : 4 | KKBKH24002879744 | 60000.00 | 46203.00 | |
67 | 19744201000007 | Money Transfer to | 919284589063 | PYTM0123456 | UTTAR PRADESH | Layer : 5 | 5C0B5909mT1Y | 24943.48 | 47.00 | The whole amount of INR 24943.48/- was moved to Bank in which INR 54/- was reported as fraudulent, please take the necessary action. Should you require any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be |
68 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 5 | 400308303651 | 180.00 | 150.00 | |
69 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 002261100000025 | | | Layer : 5 | 437294526936 | 650.00 | 150.00 | UPI/437294526936/P2M/Q773681888@ybl/SHARDA STORES |
70 | 4449281013 | Money Transfer to | 23100020274948 | FSFB0000001 | KARNATAKA | Layer : 5 | 437021953581 | 2000.00 | 150.00 | |
71 | 003520391284586 | Money Transfer to | 1530010000000606 | UTKS0001530 | JHARKHAND | Layer : 5 | 400302212423 | 10000.00 | 150.00 | |
72 | 1530010000000606 | Wrong Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Kindly provide correct rrn number transaction details given transaction details is not fetch in our record. |
73 | 50100205870400 | Money Transfer to | 918010012961642 | UTIB0000032 | GUJARAT | Layer : 5 | 400215313106,400215321874 | 50000.00 | 39597.00 | |
74 | 50100205870400 | Money Transfer to | 15410100037005 | FDRL0001541 | GUJARAT | Layer : 5 | 400295166600 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | |
75 | 50100205870400 | Money Transfer to | 183905500980 | ICIC0001839 | GUJARAT | Layer : 5 | 400220375499 | 30000.00 | 30000.00 | |
76 | 50100205870400 | Money Transfer to | 93990100022828 | BARB0DBGNDL | GUJARAT | Layer : 5 | 400302487523 | 6500.00 | 6203.00 | |
77 | 183905500980 | Old Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Due to old transaction of we are unable to retrieve the details. Thus, requesting the police authority to kindly serve a notice to concerned / local branch for further details. |
78 | 183905500980 | Old Transaction | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 0.00 | 0.00 | Due to old transaction of we are unable to retrieve the details. Thus, requesting the police authority to kindly serve a notice to concerned / local branch for further details. |
79 | 93990100022828 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 5120.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
80 | 918010012961642 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 5 | | 39597.00 | 0.00 | Transaction put on hold and marked lien |
81 | 919284589063 | Money Transfer to | 661301640760 | | | Layer : 6 | 336587893922 | 31000.00 | 47.00 | |
82 | 661301640760 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 47.00 | 0.00 | DA-47/- Hold |
83 | 23100020274948 | Money Transfer to | 1306010288644 | | | Layer : 6 | 437024083907 | 2000.00 | 350.00 | |
84 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 070805001262 | ICIC0000708 | ASSAM | Layer : 6 | AXNPN40078114300 | 33860.00 | 150.00 | This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 150. |
85 | 002261100000025 | Money Transfer to | 42517759470 | SBIN0001170 | ASSAM | Layer : 6 | AXNPN40043301346 | 935.00 | 150.00 | This is a settlement transaction which includes the disputed amount of Rs 150. |
86 | 42517759470 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | HOLD MARKED FOR DISPUTED AMOUNT. |
87 | 070805001262 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 150.00 | 0.00 | Disputed Amount 150/- put On Hold. |
88 | 15410100037005 | Money Transfer to | 03490100013621 | BARB0KRISHN | GUJARAT | Layer : 6 | 400272765318 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | UPIOUT/400272765318/dipeshparmar0077@okicici/0000 |
89 | 03490100013621 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 5700.00 | 0.00 | Lien Marked |
90 | 03490100013621 | Withdrawal through ATM | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 11500.00 | 0.00 | Disputed Amount 4300 / 1179ATM Details: Place of ATM :-BOB BHAVNAGAR GJ IN ATM ID :-6NKRISHN01
91 | 93990100022828 | Money Transfer to | 35861763587 | SBIN0010190 | GUJARAT | Layer : 6 | 400302953466 | 4500.00 | 1083.00 | |
92 | 35861763587 | Transaction put on hold | 0 | | | Layer : 6 | | 1083.00 | 0.00 | Account marked HOLD FOR DISPUTED AM and available balance is Rs. 5078/- |
93 | 1306010288644 | Money Transfer to | 437000736746 | | | Layer : 7 | 437000736746 | 2000.00 | 2000.00 | UPI/437000736746/P2V/prasantarajak133-1@okicici/PR no bank name is showing on UPI PORTAL |
94 | 437000736746 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 7 | | 2000.00 | 0.00 | As per our tool the shared UTR ID (437000736746), belongs to the UPI Lite Transaction lD. We are unable to check the transaction details with the shared information. Kindly reach out to the bank in which the payment has been credited for further informati |