NCRP Details for NCRP No. 31101240004570

Index Sender Ac No Transaction Type Receiver Ac No Receiver IFSC IFSC State Layer Transaction Id Amount Disputed Amount Remarks
133112671694Money Transfer to201026098440INDB0000195CHANDIGARHLayer : 133641227294610000.000.00ravi6953@indus
233112671694Money Transfer to201026098440INDB0000195CHANDIGARHLayer : 13364122739279500.000.00ravi6953@indus
33580674759Money Transfer to19744201000007PYTM0123456UTTAR PRADESHLayer : 13726942512692000.000.00paytmqr281005050101m1orjfphtb4p@paytm
43580674759Money Transfer to00000077094333336SBIN0RRCHGBLayer : 137285962593314790.000.00smartgirlss493@okaxis
53580674759Money Transfer to3496890971CBIN0280584GUJARATLayer : 13727802792066174.006174.00UPI
63496890971Transaction put on hold0Layer : 16174.000.00HOLD AND DEBIT FREEZE
73580674759Money Transfer to19744201000007PYTM0123456UTTAR PRADESHLayer : 13726793430953000.003000.00UPI
819744201000007Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 23726942512692000.002000.00
9201026098440Money Transfer to923010046278013Layer : 233641434549280200.0019500.00
10923010046278013Transaction put on hold0Layer : 219500.000.00account marked debit freeze
1100000077094333336Money Transfer to100139407333INDB0001515CHHATTISGARHLayer : 233621585300840000.0014790.00Account put on hold, but just after credit of the disputed amt there is a debit transaction through IMPS with RRN 336215853008
1219744201000007Money Transfer to19744201000007Layer : 23726793430953000.003000.00
1319744201000007Money Transfer to100021263382Layer : 33360171616402001.002000.00Amount of Rs 2001 moved to Bank in which Rs 2000 is reported as fraudulent, Please take the necessary action. For any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad to assist you.
14100139407333Money Transfer to075710100063857Layer : 333622356721220500.0014790.00da 14790
1519744201000007Money Transfer to100021263382ESFB0001001TAMIL NADULayer : 33360171732003500.003000.00Amount of Rs 3500 moved to Bank in which Rs 3000 is reported as fraudulent, Please take the necessary action. For any further details, we request you to please write us back on we shall be glad to assist you
16100021263382Transaction put on hold0Layer : 35501.000.00Account marked debit freeze
17075710100063857Money Transfer to50100576592762HDFC0006515TELANGANALayer : 437290988102820500.0014790.00UPIAR/372909881028/DR/MAKKALA /HDFC/50100576592762
1850100576592762Money Transfer to234005001786ICIC0DC0099Layer : 533645050595916737.0014790.00
19234005001786Other0Layer : 516737.000.00Account no 234005001786 in which amount is credited is a Merchant account in the name of M/S.KRAZYBEE SERVICES PVT. LTD. KSF - REPAYMENT ESCROW ACCOUNT, Kindly Coordinate with mail id