NCRP Details for NCRP No. 31101240000943

Index Sender Ac No Transaction Type Receiver Ac No Receiver IFSC IFSC State Layer Transaction Id Amount Disputed Amount Remarks
1Other0Layer : 191168.200.00Kindly allow us some time to revert
2Money Transfer to89051801Layer : 140021161829591168.2091168.20FRAUD HAPPENED ON INDUSIND BANK CREDIT CARD 4147524594149978 AND MERCHAND NAME IS NOBROKER 9241700000 IN IN ACQUIRED HDFC BANK LIMITED TERMINAL ID IS 89051801 AND AUTHORISATION CODE IS 399293
3Money Transfer to89051801Layer : 140021158042091168.2091168.20FRAUD HAPPENED ON INDUSIND BANK CREDIT CARD 4147524594149978 AND MERCHAND NAME IS NOBROKER 9241700000 IN ACQUIRED HDFC BANK LIMITED TERMINAL ID IS 89051801 AND AUTHORISATION CODE IS 676656
489051801Other0Layer : 190000.000.00RefundTxnId: refund_3082931371858575,Amount held and refunded to source card/account.
589051801Other0Layer : 190000.000.00RefundTxnId: refund_3082979455163011,Amount held and refunded to source card/account.