Index |
Sender Ac No |
Transaction Type |
Receiver Ac No |
Receiver IFSC |
IFSC State |
Layer |
Transaction Id |
Amount |
Disputed Amount |
Remarks |
1 | 04570210004067 | Money Transfer to | 685905603381 | ICIC0006859 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 1 | UCBAR52024090600985880 | 300000.00 | 300000.00 | UCBAH24250985880 REF 000307731896 |
2 | 04570210004067 | Money Transfer to | 685905603381 | ICIC0006859 | RAJASTHAN | Layer : 1 | UCBAR52024090600986417 | 300006.00 | 200000.00 | UCBAH24250986417 REF 000307732234 |
3 | 10088560647 | Money Transfer to | 20100030173162 | BDBL0001340 | MEGHALAYA | Layer : 1 | IDFBR52024083000443889 | 500000.00 | 500000.00 | Disputed amount 500000/- please mark hold on this amount. however money has been transferred. |
4 | 685905603381 | Other | 0 | | | Layer : 1 | | 500000.00 | 0.00 | Amount Rs.500000/- credited in ICICI Bank a/c no. 685905603381 and further amount (disputed Amount 500000) has Transferred in multiple accounts VIDE multiple RRN. we are unable to fetch the details. However lien recommended in beneficiary account. Account |