IFSC - SBIN0003026

# NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No Amount Remarks
23110624009349015130100089083309080604556269.00NFT/FDRLM8163026382 ASHWIN KANDI SBIN0003026BISHAL
331111240188647918020110872063415646447331236.00new Merchant IN FullAccNum_Given SettlementAmount_Provided SettlementRRN_Given
431111240188647001425000000051000000202234729374835.30The disputed amount was moved to mentioned Bank, Please take the necessary action. For further information, we request you to please write us back on cybercell@paytmpayments.com we shall be glad to assist you.
Reflescts in 3 unique NCRP ApplicationsTotal amount involved 13,840.29