Transaction Disputes for Account xxxxxxxxx4338

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31104240057688918020110872063xxxxxxxxx4338indb000046920000.00Layer : 6Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name:Shadhu Bhai Sabji Mandi,Merchant Ext ID:BCR2DN4T6GZIDILE, Transaction Settlement timestamp:2024-Apr-03 10:10:41 L Settlement IMPS RRN:409410730710, Amount of individual RRN:20000, VPA:NA, IFSC:indb0000469. We
31104240057688918020110872063xxxxxxxxx4338indb000046920000.00Layer : 6Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name:Shadhu Bhai Sabji Mandi,Merchant Ext ID:BCR2DN4T6GZIDILE, Transaction Settlement timestamp:2024-Apr-03 10:10:41 L Settlement IMPS RRN:409410730710, Amount of individual RRN:20000, VPA:NA, IFSC:indb0000469. We
31104240057688xxxxxxxxx43380000004120278937440000.00Layer : 7