Transaction Disputes for Account xxxx8220

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31101240007142akashchoudhary55y@oksbixxxx8220MAHB000167335000.00Layer : 2Based on UTR number we have only the last four digit bank account number xxxxx8220. Google Pay is the third party application provider (TPAP) and does not have access to the account number of the Payer/Payee. Accordingly the last four digits of the payee
31101240007142xxxx822060461405686MAHB000034119500.00Layer : 3
31101240007142xxxx822060463158305MAHB0000341500.00Layer : 3
31101240007142xxxx822060463158305MAHB000034114000.00Layer : 3
31101240007142xxxx822060470854084MAHB0002435525.00Layer : 3
31101240007142xxxx822060461405686MAHB0000341700.00Layer : 3