Transaction Disputes for Account XXXXXXXX0039

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31104240061244918020110872063XXXXXXXX0039bkid0001487120.00Layer : 10Money transfer to the Merchant, Merchant Name: CHINMAY VASTU BHANDAR, Merchant Ext ID: BCR2DN4TZLF3BTTA, Transaction Settlement timestamp is: 2024-May-01 03:23:03 L, Settlement IMPS RRN: AXNGG12270059717, Amount of individual RRN: 120 VPA:NA, IFSC: bkid00
31104240061244XXXXXXXX00390120.00Layer : 10BOI ac no: 148730110000039 DA Rs.120 lien marked