Transaction Disputes for Account LQW0493690044683

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31108240126098500101013892362LQW0493690044683IDFB001020997500.00Layer : 2
31108240126098500101013892362LQW0493690044683IDFB0010209146250.00Layer : 2
31108240126098LQW049369004468310047680703IDFB0010209146250.00Layer : 3As the disputed amount credited in account number 10047680703which belongs to LIVQUIK TECHNOLOGY (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED hence case transferred to Livquik Technology (india) pvt, ltd .Please check and the complaint and mark hold accordingly
31108240126098LQW049369004468310047680703IDFB001020997500.00Layer : 3As the disputed amount credited in account number 10047680703which belongs to LIVQUIK TECHNOLOGY (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED hence case transferred to Livquik Technology (india) pvt, ltd .Please check and the complaint and mark hold accordingly