Transaction Disputes for Account 9352336531@amazonpay

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31105240070450108379405639352336531@amazonpayPPIW088420728900.00Layer : 1AH77DTVUJAG3NAJVFWQP6K2V2XSQ
31105240070450108379405639352336531@amazonpayPPIW0884207300.00Layer : 1AH77DTVUJAG3NAJVFWQP6K2V2XSQ
311052400704509352336531@amazonpay00.00Layer : 1The order pertaining to the transaction reported fraudulent in the trail mail has been completed and cannot be refunded or cancelled.
311052400704509352336531@amazonpay9352336531@amazonpay41500.00Layer : 2As per our tool the transaction (413562241349) was made to the third party VPA (9352336531@amazonpay) thus the bank details are not available at our end. We have provided responsive information to the extent reasonably accessible from our system. Kindly a
311052400704509352336531@amazonpay00.00Layer : 2The order pertaining to the transaction reported fraudulent in the trail mail has been completed and cannot be refunded or cancelled.