Transaction Disputes for Account 923020067935651

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31111240178987066892623469923020067935651UTIB00014853993706.00Layer : 7Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK. The dispute amount has been settled.
31111240178987066892623469923020067935651UTIB0001485154323.00Layer : 7Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK. The dispute amount has been settled.
31111240178987066892623469923020067935651UTIB000148550.00Layer : 7Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK. The dispute amount has been settled.
31111240178987066892623469923020067935651UTIB0001485130000.00Layer : 7Necessary action taken on this // Money transferred to AXIS BANK. The dispute amount has been settled.