Transaction Disputes for Account 922010047240416

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31106240093034409002145168922010047240416UTIB00019512256.00Layer : 2NEFT/000379262843/UTIB/Mohmadtaslimkalimbhairain // if txn. PO num 000379262843 not found please check for UTR RATNN24155670623 or with Txn id RATNR52024060300670623
311062400930349220100472404162520.00Layer : 2Account marked freeze. Amount was internally transfered to account number 915010008064561. Amount put on hold
31106240093034922010047240416918020110872063160.00Layer : 3Google India settlement account