NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31109240144002 | 60061378235 | 920020017850978 | UTIB0000131 | 150.00 | Layer : 4 | |
31109240144002 | 920020017850978 | 920020017850978 | 150.00 | Layer : 5 | ||
31109240144002 | 920020017850978 | Zakru4QDySYRNH_swp_7f652187f21723204244_1 | 150.00 | Layer : 6 | Total amount 150.00 Against the merchant transaction which was initiated, kindly contact the merchant directly at for any further assistance related to the service/refund/beneficiary details. |