Transaction Disputes for Account 9024075254@amazonpay

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
311072401066769190240752549024075254@amazonpay20000.00Layer : 2419416906599 5000 419416968554 5000 419416587570 5000 419416699371 5000
311072401066769024075254@amazonpay020000.00Layer : 2The order pertaining to the transaction reported fraudulent in the trail mail has been completed and cannot be refunded or cancelled.
211072400147629024075254@mbk9024075254@amazonpay20000.00Layer : 2419416906599 RS 5000 419416968554 RS 5000 419416587570 RS 5000 419416699371 RS 5000
211072400147629024075254@amazonpay020000.00Layer : 2The order pertaining to the transaction reported fraudulent in the trail mail has been completed and cannot be refunded or cancelled.