NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31105240079638 | 802003001015661 | 0 | 10000.00 | Layer : 2 | Duplicate entry | |
31105240079638 | 204916710000250 | 802003001015661 | YESB0KNB006 | 10000.00 | Layer : 2 | YESB0KNB006 9924328928@ybl VINODBHAI JOITARAM PANCHAL |
31105240079638 | 802003001015661 | 0 | 10000.00 | Layer : 2 | Unable to fetch transactions with given details, as these are old transactions and we are unable to fetch the same. Kindly reach out to us on for further queries. | |
31105240079638 | 204916710000250 | 802003001015661 | YESB0KNB006 | 10000.00 | Layer : 2 |