Transaction Disputes for Account 409002307832

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
3110924014400200000005579096729409002307832RATN0000161244153.00Layer : 5CBINR12024080910000099
311092401440024090023078320244153.00Layer : 5We marked Positive Lien on the RBL Bank A/c no.:409002307832 for Rs.244153 from the available balance. In case of further refund queries, Notice please write only to our email team on id:, kind request not to mark to individual i
311092401440021244135000004360409002307832RATN0000161219519.00Layer : 5
3110924014400200000005579096729409002307832RATN0000161244153.00Layer : 5RTGS
311092401440024090023078320301.00Layer : 5We marked Positive Lien on the RBL Bank A/c no.:409002307832 for Rs.301 from the available balance. In case of further refund queries, Notice please write only to our email team on id:, kind request not to mark to individual ids
3110924014400240900230783216112191043030PUNB0161110100000.00Layer : 6422226200015-USD240809194241657B