Transaction Disputes for Account 37807140960

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
311042400564555020007566338437807140960SBIN0018866135000.00Layer : 5IMPS-408619367051-OMKAR JAGDALE-SBIN-XXXXXXX0960-ALL
3110424005645537807140960017002.00Layer : 5Hold marked for Rs. 17002/-, and as on today balance is Rs. 38373/-.
311042400564555020007566338437807140960SBIN0018866135000.00Layer : 5IMPS-408619367051-OMKAR JAGDALE-SBIN-XXXXXXX0960-ALL
3110424005645537807140960017002.00Layer : 5Already complied for the same account number and txn ID and also for the same disputed amount........Duplicate entry