NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31111240190962 | 46711500001069 | 30011500003605 | DCBL0000300 | 40000.00 | Layer : 2 | Disputed amounts Rs.322 and Rs.39678 ( Total Rs.40000 ) are involved in this transaction. |
31111240190962 | 30011500003605 | 40000.00 | Layer : 2 | Disputed amount Rs.40000 is involved in this ATM withdrawal of Rs.40000 in multiples of Rs.10000. RRNs(433213023471, 433213023858, 433213024448, 433213024907)ATM Details: Place of ATM :-CHOPANKI OFFSITE ALWAR IN ATM ID :-S1ANJP47 |