NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31101240003829 | 199711010000076 | 171010100123495 | 1500.00 | Layer : 3 | UPIAR/400491042800/DR/DILIP KU/UTIB/droutass@okaxi | |
31101240003829 | 171010100123495 | 171010100123495 | 1500.00 | Layer : 4 | UPIAR/400491042800/DR/DILIP KU/UTIB/droutass@okaxi | |
31101240003829 | 171010100123495 | droutass@okaxis | 1500.00 | Layer : 5 | We do not have the account number as the disputed transaction was initiated by entering the VPA address, kindly trace with UTR and other details. |