NCRP No | Sender Ac No | Receiver Ac No | IFSC | Amount | Layer | Remarks |
31101240004894 | 10900100394716 | 0 | 0.00 | Layer : 6 | case reassigned already to concerned bank and revert rececived the wrong details again | |
31101240004894 | 10900100394716 | 0 | 0.00 | Layer : 6 | case reassigned already to concerned bank and revert rececived the wrong details again | |
31101240004894 | 003120391050359 | 10900100394716 | FDRL0001090 | 25100.00 | Layer : 6 | IFSC : KKBK0008283 |
31101240004894 | 10900100394716 | 0 | 0.00 | Layer : 6 | KINDLY PROVIDE THE COREECT account number |