Transaction Disputes for Account 053404797544195001

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
311042400578855448193109053404797544195001CSBK0000534144000.00Layer : 4
31104240057885053404797544195001050000.00Layer : 4DA 50000 Multiple complaints against the customer from various other LEAs . Branch is advised to take necessary action for the disputed transaction as reported in MHA portal
31104240057885053404797544195001510909010205744CIUB0000116500000.00Layer : 5DA 35795 Trx id CSBKR92024041200000128 Trx end id /XUTR/CSBKH24103000128 RTGS -CITY UNION BANK UTR - CSBKH24103000128 IFSC - CIUB0000116 Req thru portal