Transaction Disputes for Account 0447002100118176

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
311022400241960447002100118176014000.00Layer : 1Lien has been marked for reported unused txn. Amount Rs. 14000/- in ACCOUNT No. 0447002100118176 , Investigating Police Officer may contact to BRANCH MANAGER, BHANUPRIYA VISHWAKARMA, PNB Branch Office- SEHORE at email ID- BO0447@PNB.CO.IN and their Contro
311022400241960466053000009950044700210011817614000.00Layer : 1Correct details updated .
3110224002419604660530000099500447002100118176172000.00Layer : 1All data provided is correct. Please find the attached screenshot on the transaction
31102240024196044700210011817620253859260SBIN000489913501.00Layer : 2NEFT:PUNBH24030346121/5146139974/AFZIGPD59401
311022400241960447002100118176170701000008925IOBA00017074185.00Layer : 2NEFT:PUNBH24030339970/5146139971/AFZIGLE59401