Transaction Disputes for Account 039305012599

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
3110424006124460186445383039305012599ICIC00003932200.00Layer : 6
311042400612440393050125990393050125992200.00Layer : 7
311042400612440393050125990393050125992200.00Layer : 7Refund has been initiated from our end back to the source account, Please find mentioned UTR for your ref. ( 449402506441)
311042400612440393050125990393050125992200.00Layer : 7Refund has been initiated from our end back to the source account, Please find mentioned UTR for your ref. ( 449402506441)
3110424006124403930501259902200.00Layer : 7449402506441