Transaction Disputes for Account 00000032485809067

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31104240057688534171032500000032485809067SBIN000633340000.00Layer : 4
3110424005768800000032485809067020000.00Layer : 4Account put on hold for disputed amount and available balance as on today is Rs. 947/-
3110424005768800000032485809067081418210000341BKID00008147000.00Layer : 5
3110424005768800000032485809067070110100007971TJSB00000705000.00Layer : 5
311042400576880000003248580906750200085385810HDFC000000110000.00Layer : 5Provided details are correct. Please check at your carefully before reassign. It seems you reassign intentionally. Please find the attachment.