Transaction Disputes for Account 00000020259288175

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
311042400629230000002025928817500.00Layer : 2We are unable to find the transaction with the given details, kindly share the correct / relevant details (or Transaction ID/bank statement/ screenshot) for us to investigate further. In Case of card transaction, kindly provide the card number and auth ID
3110424006292350100428392411000000202592881752000.00Layer : 2
3110424006292350100428392411000000202592881756700.00Layer : 2
3110424006292350100428392411000000202592881752000.00Layer : 2
3110424006292350100428392411000000202592881752000.00Layer : 200000020259288175
3110424006292300000020259288175012700.00Layer : 2We are unable to trace the transaction. Kindly provide the correct amount/Transaction id of the transaction. Once the details are provided, we will provide the information here. For more details, kindly contact our nodal officer Raunaq Singh 8884886503