Transaction Disputes for Account 0000000000

NCRP No Sender Ac No Receiver Ac No IFSC Amount Layer Remarks
31108240120025ACCL8ADDCYBS0000000000ratn000000050601.00Layer : 2Total amount 50601.80, disputed 50000 Transaction Reference ID HGAEP0B13F0478518947 Biller Name RBL Bank Credit Card and last 4 digit credit card number XXXX1223 Service Name Credit Card Bill Payment.
311082401200250000000000050000.00Layer : 2Found this amt. Rs.50000 with txn. Id:HGAEP0B13F0478518947 dated: 05-Aug-24 received as the bill payment on RBL Bank Credit Card 524373xxxxxx1223 against the utilizations made and have blocked the card for future utilizations. For more details kindly writ